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A Living House

This letter was shared with us recently from Lawrence Ssemakula, our cooperative and Director of Children's Education in East Africa. We thought it was too good not to share! We're so thankful for the ways in which the Lord has led us throughout our journey in East Africa, and thankful for his provision of laborers for the harvest, who recognize the gift of the house that God is building.

Hullo brothers and sisters at G.O.D. I pray you are doing well. I wanted to take sometime on behalf of my family and myself to convey our sincere appreciation to all people who generously gave whatever they could to build for us this house where we have finally moved into this week.

Lawrence and Josephine's new home! 

Lawrence and Josephine's new home!

We are still settling in despite a few challenges but we are thankful to all of you and the Lord for your love, faithfulness,and great compassion. Not only have you built this shelter for us but over the years you have built our lives a living house where the Lord most desires to dwell. You have laid down your lives for us all, such sacrificial love that only Christ revealed to the world, you have shown and taught us this love. Through thick and dark moments, bright and happy moments, over the years we've seen the Lord alongside us, you didn't withhold your love. We can boldly speak to say thank you Lord, thank you Lord for your care.

Greater love has no man than this that he laid down his life for his friends.

You've inspired me to love, to serve, to work harder everyday, to give my life for others, to learn more of who God is and how he wants me to serve and love others.

May the peace and love of God go with you today as always. Amen.




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