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Academy for GOD Preschool: Empowering Families With Biblical Foundations

Tori Webb

As a teacher at The Academy for GOD Preschool, I have spent over a decade teaching preschool-aged children. But before I was a teacher, I was a student of the Bible, and I strive to filter my life through a Biblical lens. I’m a graduate of The Institute for GOD’s Biblical Studies and Community Development programs, and this education has empowered me to bring Biblical education into everything I do, and especially into my work.

In teaching Preschool, I cover every category from Tennessee’s Early Learning Development Standards, such as early literacy, approaches to learning, and social emotional learning, as well as life skills like self-care and classroom routines. However, the most important thing I teach is Biblical values, not the ABC’s or how to stand in line. I use two curriculums to accomplish this: the "Preschool Laws," which are based on the Ten Commandments, and our summer curriculum, "The Bee-attitudes," which focuses on the fruit of the Spirit. 

Throughout the year, my class of 3 and 4 year olds will learn a developmentally appropriate version of the 10 Commandments and associated Biblical values, Bible stories and songs, and Bible verses. These values are incorporated throughout each activity of our day, influencing how I teach social emotional skills, early literacy, and more. Biblical education is not limited to a circle time, but impacts every part of my educational approach — just like Biblical education has impacted every part of my life.While I enjoy incorporating creativity and my love of nature in my classroom, and draw from educational philosophies like Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and Waldorf, I choose to teach at this preschool because I agree with The Academy for GOD Preschool’s philosophy.

I believe that Biblical values are the most crucial education one can receive at any age. Biblical education has a profound impact on many levels. The importance of instilling these values in children lies in the fact that it influences their future. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train children to live in the right way, and when they are old, they won't stray from it." I am a product of the biblical values my parents and teachers instilled in me in my youth, and for that I am very thankful. These values have shaped the way I live my life, do my job, treat strangers, and much more. If there’s one thing I’d like to share with the next generation, it’s that biblical values have a transformational impact on their lives, their families, their communities, and the world. At The Academy for GOD Preschool, we involve the whole family in this education.

Through our parent-teacher app, parents and teachers share about how children are taught Biblical laws and values in class, and then how they’re implementing them at home. For example, children “order their environments” (Gen 1) by cleaning their rooms. Some mothers have shared how they still have the Bee-attitudes handout laminated on their fridges from their first child in my class — and now with their third child, they’ve used Preschool’s curriculum to continue teaching how to practice the fruit of the Spirit, such as patience, kindness, and self-control on a daily basis. It is truly a joy to see the Word being practiced not just in the classroom but also in people’s homes, and among entire families (Dt. 11:19).

Additionally, I am fortunate to work in a place filled with employees and managers who share the same values and practice what we teach. That makes a remarkable difference in how I show up for my job and how I feel about it. In an industry that is in national crisis, this is an important factor to note. In conclusion, teaching biblical values has a lasting and holistic impact, not just on children but on families and the community at large. As teachers, we must practice what we preach. As students of the Word, we must also recognize our responsibility to impart these values to the next generation. I’m thankful to be a part of a Preschool where every staff member prioritizes their own and their students’ Biblical education.


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