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Academy Sophomore Nominated for ACSI Award

Gerron NormaN nominated for ACSI's Distinguished Christian High School Student Award

High School Principal, Mrs. Mathews, presents Gerron with a certificate in front of the entire student body at the weekly morning assembly.

High School Principal, Mrs. Mathews, presents Gerron with a certificate in front of the entire student body at the weekly morning assembly.

This year, the Academy for G.O.D. was proud to nominate sophomore student, Gerron Norman, for The Distinguished Christian High School Student Award from our membership organization, The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

The Distinguished Christian High School Student (DCHSS) award program honors exemplary sophomores, juniors, and seniors from ACSI member high schools in the areas of leadership, academics, athletics, and community service. Whether it’s in the classroom, on the sports field or in the school hallway, Gerron demonstrates respect for his teachers and classmates that is exemplary. Gerron stands out amongst his peers. When asked by his teachers or administration to serve the younger students around him, he is quick to respond and meet the need without complaining. This is the type of character that makes him a leader among our students and the reason we commend Gerron.

High School Bible teacher, Mr. Garner, guides his students through a character analysis presentation where they are challenged to practice critical thinking skills and effective communication.

High School Bible teacher, Mr. Garner, guides his students through a character analysis presentation where they are challenged to practice critical thinking skills and effective communication.

As a student, he loves being challenged and getting correct answers, especially in Bible Class. He readily engages in class and is humble when corrected. He is the type of student that a teacher loves to have in the classroom. When seeing his enthusiasm, his peers are encouraged to participate as well.

Gerron’s homeroom teacher, Mr. Ownby writes, "Gerron is a joyful student who brings smiles to those around him. He thrives in an environment where he can practice what he is learning. At the Academy, Gerron is challenged and given many opportunities to produce creative work. This causes him to engage in the assignments and do work that is meaningful to who he is as a God’s child. Gerron is a good kid whom I have watched engage God and serve those around him for a couple years now. I’m thankful for the opportunity to teach him, and I’m certain his other teachers feel the same way."

Gerron was presented with the award by High School Principal, Mrs. Mathews, at our school-wide weekly assembly.



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