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Art and Identity: Generational Mission Comes Alive in Student Artwork

Guest User

Written by Corey Foster

Corey Foster serves as the Deputy Headmaster of the Academy for G.O.D. Though her responsibilities are primarily administrative, since she began at the Academy she has taught and continues to teach art at multiple levels.

When I moved to Nashville to get involved in ministry, I wasn’t sure there would be a place for art in my life.

I’ve always loved art; don’t recall a single year of my life when art supplies weren't on the top of my wish list. Growing up, art was always my choice activity for rest and enjoyment. When I decided to move to Nashville and get involved in ministry, I wasn’t sure that there would be a place for art in my life. But since moving to Nashville to learn the Bible with G.O.D. International, I’ve learned the value of art as a tool for communication. As a teacher, I’ve been privileged to take this lesson into the classroom.

Since the Academy for G.O.D. opened its doors in 2013, the creative arts have been an emphasis of our academic disciplines with the goal of teaching students how to express themselves, what they are learning about life and the Lord, and how to interact with those around them. To visually communicate the depth of an emotion, a value, a concept, a lesson learned, or the narrative of an individual's journey is a difficult endeavor, but one that we give our students space to work through as they produce visual art in classes across all subject matters and at all levels.

Ms. Foster’s Students had the opportunity to display Biblical values and lessons learned in their artwork.

Students in my 7th grade Mixed Media* course have been given the opportunity to express this type of depth. They have been challenged to think through lessons learned in their Bible courses, their family values, and identify their individual interests, and take these things into consideration when creating visuals. Though they are given guidance, they have a lot of autonomy to express what is being formed in them. Several of my students are from families who are connected to our non-profit organization and either currently live in or have commitments to serve the Lord in various regions around the world, including Latin America, East Africa, India, and Southeast Asia.

Through the entire process of each major project, I witness the depth of narrative in these students and how it unfolds visually onto each canvas. The common theme I’ve noted as I observe their artwork is a deeply rooted sense of identity as God’s kids, of covenant commitment to the Lord and one another, and a desire to worship and serve Him. As an artist, and as someone who found a home working in ministry with G.O.D. Int’l, no one resonates with this more than me. I am so thankful that my students will never need to choose between art and ministry, or question if their God-given talents will be used for good. My story is a testament to how God is always at work, even when we are unsure of how our giftings will be used. Praise the Lord!

*Mixed Media is an art form that incorporates mutliple different mediums, whether it be paper, cardboard, newspaper, etc.


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Corey’s students include Genesis Ssemakula, studying from Uganda. We need your help making it possible for the Academy for G.O.D. to reach more students around the world. It’s our goal to raise $250k before December 31st in support of this cause and others like it! To join in, click the link below.

1 Timothy 6:18-19 - Do Good, Be Rich In Good Works, Generous, And Ready To Share, Thus Storing Up The Treasure Of A Good Foundation For The Future, So That You May Take Hold Of The Life That Really Is Life.


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