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Balancing Business Opportunities with Classroom Experience

All of the Music City Handymen are involved at the Institute for G.O.D. International. Some are finishing undergraduate degrees, others finishing their masters, and still others teaching at the school. Flexible scheduling and a value for lifelong le…
All of the Music City Handymen are involved at the Institute for G.O.D. International. Some are finishing undergraduate degrees, others finishing their masters, and still others teaching at the school. Flexible scheduling and a value for lifelong learning has allowed the handyman business to grow in its vital first years without taking away opportunities for learning.

With the 5 new business startups taking place from individuals in our organization, I have been blessed with the opportunity to participate in getting Music City Handyman off the ground. Though I have worked construction and masonry jobs in the past, starting a business is new for me. In putting in long hours to get the business moving, we have had to move away from extensive time in the classroom, as many of us previously had. Yet, we still have a desire to continue learning and understand the great value that comes as a result of learning the word of God alongside others who offer us both accountability and fellowship.

For this reason, we have had to make some adjustments for our students who are now working full-time with the businesses. Many of those who have taken on full-time positions with the businesses are students who have either finished the program at our Institute or are very close. The businesses demand daytime hours, which brings about the need to offer classes during the evening. This semester we are offering an evening class, Johannine Literature (an intensive writing course on the gospel and epistles of John) to allow the business participants to still benefit from formal Bible teaching. Such times allow students to ‘provoke one another towards love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, but encouraging one another.’ (Hebrews 10:24-25).

As someone who has finished the Missiology program and has been participating in getting our Music City Handymen business started, I am grateful for the opportunity to be still able to study God’s Word. In order to make this happen, sacrifice has been required from both teachers and students. Our teachers put in many hours in class preparation and ministry throughout each day, so adding a night class to their schedule is demanding on their time. Both students and teachers here have found continuing biblical education to be a pursuit worthy of our time, even if it means sacrificing a couple of evenings a week.

We remember that ‘man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God’ (Deut. 8:3). As God’s children, we acknowledge that the Word of God sustains us. The classroom provides accountability for students to study the Bible in depth. Giving this much time to the Bible also helps keep our minds engaged in the Word throughout each week. I am glad that we can continue to provide classroom time for learning the Word as individuals take on different responsibilities and areas of ministry.

Written By Cameron Kagay


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