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Camp Skillz: Nashville Neighbors Week In Review

The first week of Camp Skillz 2024 has been nothing short of spectacular! We set out to provide a fun environment where kids acquire new skills, make friends, and feel valued for who they are, and the feedback from campers and parents confirms we are on the right track. Here’s a look back at a special first week:

Weave Got To Come Together

Our creativity was on display with the “Weave Got To Come Together” activities. Campers crafted picture frames out of cardboard, decorating them with a variety of tactile materials such as beads, fabric scraps, and buttons. These frames are now a testament to their imagination and artistic abilities complete with a photo of week 1 campers inside. The yarn weaving project was another highlight, where popsicle sticks and wooden dowels became the foundation for vibrant yarn creations. This hands-on activity not only fostered fine motor skills but also provided a great sense of accomplishment.

Energy Boost Test Kitchen

The “Energy Boost Test Kitchen” was a crowd favorite. Facilitators, dressed as mad scientists and bodybuilders, guided the children through the process of making healthy snacks and drinks. From smoothie bowls packed with fresh fruit to energy bites made with oats and honey, the campers learned the importance of nutrition in a fun and engaging way. The kids loved the interactive nature of this station, and parents were thrilled to see their children excited about healthy eating.

Bike Workshop

The Bike Workshop was both educational and empowering. Campers learned about bike components, practiced maintenance tasks like greasing chains and patching inner tubes, and participated in bike tune-up relays. The hands-on exploration fostered a sense of teamwork and practical skill development. One parent shared, "My son is now working on his bike at home and helping his siblings too!"

Bicycle Road Rally

Our Bicycle Road Rally was a thrilling experience. This multifaceted activity taught essential bicycle safety skills through interactive events like Barrel Racing, The Paper Boy, and The Slow Ride. Children learned to wear helmets properly and understand basic road rules while having a blast. The sense of achievement was palpable as they navigated through the various courses, building confidence and character along the way.

The Pickleball Quad

Pickleball was a hit with kids across all age groups. Tailored sessions introduced the basics of the game, focusing on technique and teamwork. The 40-minute sessions were packed with fun and gradually increased in complexity, ensuring every camper felt challenged and engaged. Whether they were 6 or 11 years old, every participant left with a better understanding of the game and a smile on their face.

Ninja Neighbor Academy

The Ninja Neighbor Academy was another favorite, focusing on agility, mobility, and basic gymnastics skills. Campers navigated through obstacle courses that tested their physical abilities while emphasizing responsibility, kindness, and ethics. This combination of physical and character development was evident as children encouraged one another and celebrated each other’s successes.

Reflecting on the First Week

As we reflect on the first week, it’s heartwarming to see how deeply friendships have been forged. Campers have practiced their new skills during free time and have been observed stepping in to help one another - this is the goal of Camp Skillz!

One parent’s testimony captures the essence of our camp: “I just hope you know, you are really such a blessing to our community. This camp isn't just any camp, but kids are being inspired, and it is so special. My son is BEGGING me to add him to next week’s Camp Skillz, and I may just do it. That speaks to how much quality you guys are putting into these experiences for them. They’re loving their lives so much.”

With such a fantastic start, we are excited for the weeks to come. Next week promises more adventures and learning opportunities, and we can’t wait to share them with our campers. Stay tuned for more updates from Camp Skillz!


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