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CASE Afterschool Youth Host Youth-Led ShowCase for 150 People

Youth from all four sites collaborated to host this event for their families and stakeholders. They worked hard on their performances, displays, hospitality and vibe to make this event a success!

We are wrapping up another wonderful year of CASE. It’s been a year of projects, games, character education, homework help, and hard work; It’s been a year of developing friendships, working through conflicts, having fun, and undeniable growth in our youth. ShowCASE is an event that tries to sum up the fullness of an entire year at CASE and put it all on display for parents, students, and other stakeholders. That’s no easy task, but this year the students did a fantastic job representing their programs.

All four programs – Donelson Middle, DuPont Hadley, DuPont Tyler, and LEAD Neely’s Bend – were represented at ShowCase, and 150 people witnessed the performance held at the campus of Global Outreach Developments Int’l.

Upon entering the event space, parents viewed the various displays that students created to capture their site, including an impressive découpaged table that students built, sanded, decorated with photos from CASE, and sealed together! Families were also able to take pictures at a photo booth provided by Details Nashville.

Then the performance began. It was a time to showcase the skills that students had learned during CASE, including the skills they learned through our enhancement partners. 3 girls who participated with YEAH! (Youth Empowerment Through Arts and Humanities) played the ukulele and sang an original song about CASE, and students read some writing samples from their very own book publishing through Carnegie Writers.

It was also a time to showcase the impact that CASE has had on the lives of the students. Students gave speeches about their experience at CASE, and the whole performance ended with a video where many students shared how CASE and the CASE staff had made their school year better.

What really made this year’s ShowCASEe shine was the personalities and talents of the students. ShowCASE is a student-led, student-planned event, and what was most endearing about the event was the special mark they left on every aspect of the event, from the snacks to the skits, from the laughter and jokes to their heartfelt speeches, parents got to witness their students shine, and that is what ShowCase is all about.

CASE is a program of the Nashville After Zone Alliance. The Nashville After Zone Alliance is a network of coordinated after school programming for Metro’s middle-school students. NAZA is a partnership among the Nashville Public Library, MNPS, and other existing youth-serving groups. It is modeled on successful efforts in other cities and is organized around geographically-defined zones.



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