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CASE Gets a Tech Upgrade

After-School Program Now Utilizing iPads

CASE (Character and Skills Education) is our free after-school program offered to middle school students that attend the local Dupont Hadley school in Old Hickory, TN. Students who attend are assisted with tutoring in combination with an enrichment hour that guides them in exploring a variety of activities from gardening to dance, athletics to cooking, team building and now, technology!

We are happy to announce that we’re now equipped to provide iPads for student use at both of our CASE sites! We are excited about this opportunity because it adds a new element to the program. We will utilize the iPads to educate students on appropriate and responsible online awareness and to make their learning and tutoring time fun through educational apps.

In an undeniable digital age, we think that every kid needs to learn how to use such devices. In the workplace or higher education setting, technology use is vital for success. However, many of the kids we work with do not have access to the internet, computer or tablet at home. Nearly 70% of the children who attend CASE live in single parent or grandparent-led homes. In both scenarios, kids are not often able to receive the instruction they need on the responsible use of technology, either because of a generational gap or lack of time available.

We are hoping to fill in those gaps by adding technology to our list of enrichment programs. We aim to guide students through the use of online forums, teaching them how to responsibly and safely engage in online collaboration, and how technology can be used as a benefit. Our staff is well equipped with this understanding as many of them also serve as teachers at the Academy for G.O.D., where K-12 students utilize iPads every day.

At CASE, we set up various stations to help students expand their technology awareness and proficiency, while at the same time utilizing the iPads to increase academic skills they need, from literacy skills to science and math. The iPads will allow students another avenue for working together towards a goal. They give us one more tool to help us educate students in a holistic way.

How did the students respond? Well, they are middle schoolers, so they couldn't lose complete composure, but more than a few "this is so cool" comments slipped out, as well as "Can we use these every day?" and "Can I use it to finish my homework?" Yes, you definitely can!



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