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Coming into the Light: Conversations on Vocation

Over the last two days we've had some very honest dialogue reflecting on experiences living in community, and applying God's Word to those experiences. In Africa, indirect communication is nearly the only form of communication. So, learning to communicate what they feel and think about a present situation is no small challenge.

We've discussed so many things it's hard to write them all down. Talks have ranged from holiness and being spiritual people, to authority and respect, to community life and the basics of good communication. In everything, our community here is learning what it means to be a city on a hill. Gregg has been teaching Matthew 6, and we've been talking through the practical implementation of that verse for a community who lives together. They have received practical advice, like setting apart a time each week to talk together about issues they are having, in order to guard their unity.

<img src="" alt=" A time to share a meal together, with a majority of our&amp;nbsp;community in EA.&amp;nbsp; " />

 A time to share a meal together, with a majority of our&nbsp;community in EA.&nbsp;

A time to share a meal together, with a majority of our community in EA.

<img src="" alt=" Left sits Cameron Kagay, East Africa Regional Director for G.O.D. Int'l, who says of his trip: &quot;This trip has been so helpful for me, to get to the root issues, and to know how to better serve them better.&quot; (Peter Kimbugwe is next to him.) " />

 Left sits Cameron Kagay, East Africa Regional Director for G.O.D. Int'l, who says of his trip: "This trip has been so helpful for me, to get to the root issues, and to know how to better serve them better." (Peter Kimbugwe is next to him.)

Left sits Cameron Kagay, East Africa Regional Director for G.O.D. Int'l, who says of his trip: "This trip has been so helpful for me, to get to the root issues, and to know how to better serve them better." (Peter Kimbugwe is next to him.)

<img src="" alt=" Gregg Garner explains a song to&amp;nbsp;a room of leaders.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Gregg Garner explains a song to&nbsp;a room of leaders.&nbsp;

Gregg Garner explains a song to a room of leaders.

<img src="" alt=" Students from the Institute for G.O.D. International East Africa engage in a group discussion. " />

 Students from the Institute for G.O.D. International East Africa engage in a group discussion.

Students from the Institute for G.O.D. International East Africa engage in a group discussion.

<img src="" alt=" Gregg Garner begins a bible study, with Peter Kimbugwe translating.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Gregg Garner begins a bible study, with Peter Kimbugwe translating.&nbsp;

Gregg Garner begins a bible study, with Peter Kimbugwe translating.

<img src="" alt=" Francis Lubega, at left, sits alongside Kenyan cooperatives Reuben Ndwiga and Simon Njeru. Cross-cultural relationships between Kenya and Uganda are yet another challenge to work through in meetings like this.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Francis Lubega, at left, sits alongside Kenyan cooperatives Reuben Ndwiga and Simon Njeru. Cross-cultural relationships between Kenya and Uganda are yet another challenge to work through in meetings like this.&nbsp;

Francis Lubega, at left, sits alongside Kenyan cooperatives Reuben Ndwiga and Simon Njeru. Cross-cultural relationships between Kenya and Uganda are yet another challenge to work through in meetings like this.

<img src="" alt=" Being the light of the world has to do with being the responsible stewards of God's Word to make life better for these kids. These are a few of the children of our cooperatives in Uganda.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Being the light of the world has to do with being the responsible stewards of God's Word to make life better for these kids. These are a few of the children of our cooperatives in Uganda.&nbsp;

Being the light of the world has to do with being the responsible stewards of God's Word to make life better for these kids. These are a few of the children of our cooperatives in Uganda.

 A time to share a meal together, with a majority of our&nbsp;community in EA.&nbsp;
 Left sits Cameron Kagay, East Africa Regional Director for G.O.D. Int'l, who says of his trip: "This trip has been so helpful for me, to get to the root issues, and to know how to better serve them better." (Peter Kimbugwe is next to him.)
 Gregg Garner explains a song to&nbsp;a room of leaders.&nbsp;
 Students from the Institute for G.O.D. International East Africa engage in a group discussion.
 Gregg Garner begins a bible study, with Peter Kimbugwe translating.&nbsp;
 Francis Lubega, at left, sits alongside Kenyan cooperatives Reuben Ndwiga and Simon Njeru. Cross-cultural relationships between Kenya and Uganda are yet another challenge to work through in meetings like this.&nbsp;
 Being the light of the world has to do with being the responsible stewards of God's Word to make life better for these kids. These are a few of the children of our cooperatives in Uganda.&nbsp;

Tonight, our leadership discussed which family's home will be built next on the land. We also discussed the different business ventures that we can start exploring here, in order to ensure that our people are on the path to sustaining their own income.

We also played soccer, which you have to do when you're in Africa. For us, sports have always been a gateway to building relationships with people in the surrounding area, and even gaining their respect. For that reason--we have to win. Good thing we did. We won 2-0. The team we played needed a lesson on respecting their elders. After one particularly hard tackle, we had a good talk with the other team about it, which ended in them inviting us to play again tomorrow.

Pray for us as we finish up our time in Uganda. Though we will leave, the work is far from over. We are charging them with the same vocational calling we have received from the Lord:

"You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under a bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:14-16)



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