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Dr. Jason Webb Joins G.O.D. Int'l Staff as Interim Chief Operating Officer

Sara Davis

Dr. Jason Webb joins the G.O.D. Int’l staff after 30 years in leadership positions with the U.S. Navy. We are overjoyed to welcome him to the team!

The G.O.D. Int’l family is honored to welcome Dr. Jason Webb on staff as interim Chief Operating Officer

Prior to accepting this position, Dr. Webb fulfilled over 30 years of service in leadership in the U.S. Navy, most recently as Chief Operating Officer for the Western Recruiting Region. He is adept in leading teams, organizational leadership, strategic planning and analysis, change management, developing and streamlining people processes, program development and execution, human resource management, and maximizing productivity.

Dr. Webb has a Bachelor of Science in Education and Training, a Master of Science in Operations Management, a Doctorate of Management in Organizational Leadership, and in August 2022 he completed a second PhD in Education. He has commenced working on a Biblical Studies degree at the Institute for G.O.D.

Founder and CEO of G.O.D. Int’l, Gregg Garner, says of this addition to the team: “Dr. Webb is a timely answer to prayer and I look forward to both the work he’ll be doing and learning from him as well.”

Dr. Webb has begun a new chapter with G.O.D Int’l, while moving closer to spend time with his children and grandchildren

When asked what motivates him to serve in organizational management, Dr. Webb stated: “I am motivated by helping people and teams improve. I believe if you take care of people, organizational objectives will be achieved. Helping people means providing them the resources needed to become successful (something Jesus modeled with the disciples) and their success is translated through the accomplishment of professional and personal objectives and goals.”

Jason and Beverly Webb are blessed with two children (Matthew and Rachel), a son and daughter-in-law (Tori and Zach) and three grandchildren. Pictured left to right: Declan, Matthew, Tori, Jason, Beverly, Ephram, Rachel, Zach, and Imani.

Dr. Webb and his wife, Beverly, recently relocated to the Nashville area to live in close proximity to their children and grandchildren, which also brings them closer to the G.O.D. campus. Beverly works as the Assistant to the Registrar and Coordinator of Veterans Affairs at the Institute for G.O.D. Both of their children and their childrens’ spouses are involved with the G.O.D. Int’l nonprofit and its programs.

Dr. Webb’s hope is that he and his family, from his children to grandchildren, will continue to walk the path that God has for them, experiencing a life of close relationship with Him. His prayer is “that the ministry of G.O.D. Int’l would continue to further the kingdom of God, both nationally and internationally, continuing to be a community that remains a light unto the world (Matthew 5:14-16), that the ministry would not conform to the world but discern the will of God (Romans 12:2), and that the community would reflect a brotherly love as unto God and with honor for one another (1 John 4:20; Romans 12:10).

Welcome aboard, Dr. Webb - we at G.O.D. Int’l are so thankful for your service and your willingness to be used by God in this ministry!


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