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East Africa Student Scholarship Update

G.O.D. Int’l has been helping kids go to school in East Africa for as long as we’ve been serving there (over two decades!). Today, with the help of sponsors (friends just like you!), we support 25 students in all levels of their education, from Pre-K (or ‘Baby Class’ as they call it) to college. What’s unique about our program is that we know each of these children, their parents, families and relatives, where they live and go to school, how they perform, and whatever additional needs they might have. We are invested in them and their families’ lives, and are committed to supporting them year after year until they’ve finished school. This winter we encouraged our readers to help Lift Up Kids by providing school supplies and uniforms, tuition and meals, all the things they need to stay focused in school. Read below for more on how the program has impacted one family.

Lawrence’s family in November 2019. His oldest daughter will graduate from high school this spring, and his youngest will start baby class next year.
Lawrence’s family in November 2019. His oldest daughter will graduate from high school this spring, and his youngest will start baby class next year.

My name is Lawrence Ssemakula and I am a father of six children. My family happens to be one of the many families whose children have benefited from G.O.D.’s scholarship program here in Uganda, East Africa.

It is every parent’s desire to have their children attend school every day—with the hope that the kind of education they receive will be such that will enable them to match with today’s job market demands, and so they can be very sure that a job will be available. To receive such education, it requires the parent to pay high fees with other extra-scholastic materials that either the child or school will need to facilitate the education path. The ever-growing list of such needs makes some parents move from one school to another to see where they can fit. The search for such schools that suit one’s financial ability leaves some students out of school for good. Acquiring education has become very expensive in Uganda due to high financial demands. if it wasn’t for this scholarship program for which my children are among the beneficiaries, it would be hard for me to have my children in school.

Our children have been fully supported not only with school fees but even the many other requirements that go along with that. Sometimes the cost of these other requirements is even way higher than the actual tuition needed. Those who are able to meet the demands are the ones who receive the services. We are very grateful to those who haven’t grown weary of supporting our children for many years. It’s such a huge task that many of us would struggle with and perhaps fail to fulfill it. I recall during my time when I was younger, my parents struggled so much to clear my tuition. Even though it was quite little money, it was not easy to get it.

Francis and Annette Lubega’s youngest son, Micah, had his kindergarten graduation in November while our team was there. They got to visit him at school with his mother and attend the ceremony. He was so proud!
Francis and Annette Lubega’s youngest son, Micah, had his kindergarten graduation in November while our team was there. They got to visit him at school with his mother and attend the ceremony. He was so proud!

What makes this program unique is the fact that our children are followed up to see that they are benefiting from the education they receive at school. The program isn’t just intended to dish out funds and everything ends there, but we are encouraged to give timely updates about the progress of the children involved in the program. This has made the children to be more active at school, both in class and in outside activities, because they want to achieve the best results.

Since students have their tuition cleared on time, it enables them to concentrate at school without any interruptions. In most cases when funds are lacking, many students spend many days away from school due to uncleared fees. and this affects their academic performance. This scholarship program enables students to be at school all the time except in cases of sickness.

I also think that this program has uplifted all of our children to be able to go to schools that we as parents wouldn’t have managed to take our children to due to high fees and requirements. This is a real blessing that God has given us to be able to get such support for the past years. Thank you so much for your help, and may God bless you!

If you would like more information or to get involved with our sponsorship program in East Africa, click the link below. As always, we appreciate your prayers!



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