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El Sal Update: April 12 2017

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Col. 3:17

Update from El Salvador, April 12, 2017

Over the course of the past two weeks we have been able to further develop activities on our campus. Tuesday and Thursday programming is scheduled especially for the children, where they can have fun and learn stories from the Bible in a safe place. In the last two weeks, two boys have been coming that were quite rebellious in their homes and with the other children. When these two kids came for the first time, the other children started pointing at them and judging but we spoke with them and they changed their attitude and behavior. We see the necessity for every child to feel loved and we hope to be a support for them. Everyone is learning.

Now the beds of the garden are being once again prepared for planting, four beds in total. We hope to plant green chile, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, jalapeñoes and watermelon. We were also with our neighbor Noé helping him prepare a garden bed that he wanted at his house to plant cucumbers and radishes. It is now growing and he is very happy to now have those two products in his house.

On Friday we went to visit the community of Monseñor with Lavinia, Doris, Keiry, Josefina and Franklin. We had a good time. We were impacted by the people we visited. Keiry and Doris were talking about how they could help upon seeing the need of a young lady and her mother, who were very happy that we had visited. She was grateful for the visit. Likewise, another young lady who is fighting cancer told us of her childhood, and she sang us a song of women in the war. It was a good moment of reflection.

Meanwhile on our campus, the youth baked a cake to celebrate the birthday of Willian to share after English class and Bible Study on Saturday. We are thankful to have Lavinia with us. We are learning a lot and some of the female youth are attending. We hope to form a good friendship with them, so they can feel confident and know that they are valuable and loved.

We believe God and we are together in this work and close to each other in prayer. God bless you always.

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