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Faithfulness and Responsibility

Our days have been full every day. I have spent the majority of my time in meetings with our bible students and cooperatives. These meetings have been focused on evaluating labor efficiency, time management, spirituality, capacity development, setting individual and corporate goals, and life skills like budgeting, time management, and stewardship. After just a few days, our friends here are sharing that they have felt a “great boost of energy” from these meetings. This was our hope.

Today, I helped them to fix their scythes and reviewed how to maintain the tools so that they don't fall into disrepair. I challenged them about stewardship with the land and tools they are given. God has entrusted them with a lot, but they have to be responsible with what they have been given. I made it explicit that this is what I expect out of them. We cannot replace items--whether it be their scythes, their doors, or their teeth--that are not kept up out of negligence. Everything we do needs to be done with faithfulness to the Lord who gave us the gift, or opportunity.

<img src="" alt=" Kagay shows the young students the importance of taking care of their tools, specifically the scythe. " />

 Kagay shows the young students the importance of taking care of their tools, specifically the scythe.

Kagay shows the young students the importance of taking care of their tools, specifically the scythe.

<img src="" alt="AAR_8453.jpg" />


<img src="" alt=" Kagay inspires our team there with pictures of life in Tennessee, explaining our own community garden, seminary, and the benefit our property is to our neighborhood.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Kagay inspires our team there with pictures of life in Tennessee, explaining our own community garden, seminary, and the benefit our property is to our neighborhood.&nbsp;

Kagay inspires our team there with pictures of life in Tennessee, explaining our own community garden, seminary, and the benefit our property is to our neighborhood.

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AAR_8408 (1).jpg

<img src="" alt="AAR_8506.jpg" />


<img src="" alt=" Francis Lubega and Cameron Kagay have years of history together, having worked together on several sustainable building projects. Lubega " />

 Francis Lubega and Cameron Kagay have years of history together, having worked together on several sustainable building projects. Lubega

Francis Lubega and Cameron Kagay have years of history together, having worked together on several sustainable building projects. Lubega

<img src="" alt=" We have 7 acres of land in Uganda, most of which is currently devoted to food production. This is the triplex, our transitional housing unit for missionaries. There are now two other homes built for Peter and Simon, with more to follow.&amp;nbsp; " />

 We have 7 acres of land in Uganda, most of which is currently devoted to food production. This is the triplex, our transitional housing unit for missionaries. There are now two other homes built for Peter and Simon, with more to follow.&nbsp;

We have 7 acres of land in Uganda, most of which is currently devoted to food production. This is the triplex, our transitional housing unit for missionaries. There are now two other homes built for Peter and Simon, with more to follow.

 Kagay shows the young students the importance of taking care of their tools, specifically the scythe.
 Kagay inspires our team there with pictures of life in Tennessee, explaining our own community garden, seminary, and the benefit our property is to our neighborhood.&nbsp;
AAR_8408 (1).jpg
 Francis Lubega and Cameron Kagay have years of history together, having worked together on several sustainable building projects. Lubega
 We have 7 acres of land in Uganda, most of which is currently devoted to food production. This is the triplex, our transitional housing unit for missionaries. There are now two other homes built for Peter and Simon, with more to follow.&nbsp;

We also started the process of creating indigenous micro-organisms for the pig sty. This is necessary in order to ensure that the pig smell doesn't pervade the compound. This pig project is an entrepreneurial effort to allow Peter and Cissy to meet the needs of their family. They have been in contact with Seth Davis, Director of Agriculture at G.O.D. Int'l, but being on the ground myself, too see the project firsthand, helps us to consider all the factors involved. We are doing our best to set them up for success on this very first animal husbandry endeavor.

I also showed our friends pictures of our property in Tennessee. We have done this with them before, but we always like to show them what has changed and what new things have begun. The reason we do this is so that they can see what is possible for a community of faith who works together to change an environment. It helps them to understand that our work in Tennessee, and all of our other regions, is connected to the same paradigm--a biblical one.

While there is a lot of work to be done here on our land in Uganda, our primary goal is the development of the people we are working with. We know that as they develop, so will the fruit of their work. I get a lot of joy working with our friends to see them develop into people who can be productive for God. I have been sharing with them my hope that when God looks at us, he is pleased.



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