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Faithwells Garden Update

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Ezekiel 31:25-31 I will make with them a covenant of peace and banish wild animals from the land, so that they may live in the wild and sleep in the woods securely. I will make them and the region around my hill a blessing; and I will send down the showers in their season; they shall be showers of blessing. The trees of the field shall yield their fruit, and the earth shall yield its increase. They shall be secure on their soil; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I break the bars of their yoke, and save them from the hands of those who enslaved them. They shall no more be plunder for the nations, nor shall the animals of the land devour them; they shall live in safety, and no one shall make them afraid. I will provide for them splendid vegetation, so that they shall no more be consumed with hunger in the land, and no longer suffer the insults of the nations. They shall know that I, the Lord their God, am with them, and that they, the house of Israel, are my people, says the Lord God. You are my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, and I am your God, says the Lord God.

I was reading Ezekiel 34 and verses 25-31 made more sense to me concerning what the Lord is doing here in our community of faith. We have continued to experience his blessings and we are also witnessing how this blessing is overflowing to benefit the people surrounding us.

The Spirit of the Lord has continued to strengthen us all in pursuit of God’s kingdom through learning his Word. He has also continued to strengthen the outside members who come to fellowship with us in our Sunday and Wednesday Bible meetings. This is an indication that our image improvement as God’s servants in the community is taking its course.

One time when I was leading a water surveying team in the area of study for Nu Water Works, I met a certain elder in a Pentecostal church. He and his pastor are former ministers in Bombo Redeemed Church, where I used to attend. This one asked me many questions about how gathering information about water sources and solving water issues can be a service and ministering to God.

So I had a lengthy conversation with him pulling out instances in the Bible where God himself was directly involved in solving water issues, right from the creation narrative. As water was a major chaotic element which needed to be ordered in order for other creatures to live, but also very important for other creatures to thrive if it is well ordered. I took him to Genesis 2 and showed him how God created a river system which was a natural drainage system in the garden and around it to enable man have full access to water for his livestock, plants and all kinds of domestic use. I also took him to Exodus 15 and discussed with him how God intervenes and works with his servants to solve water issues, sometimes even using available resources because Moses did not buy the stick he used to purify the water.

The outcome of that meeting was that he and his pastor decided to invite me on a Sunday to bless them with the Word of God. So I need your prayers for God to use me and speak to them the Word which will benefit them.

A woman purchases foodstuff for her family out of the abundance of Faithwells Gardens. In Lubega’s words, “God blessed our garden with a little more food to share and sell to meet the food needs people have.”
A woman purchases foodstuff for her family out of the abundance of Faithwells Gardens. In Lubega’s words, “God blessed our garden with a little more food to share and sell to meet the food needs people have.”

Concerning Faithwells Gardens and the organic products tent, we have continued to benefit the community by making foodstuff available for them to purchase at a reasonable price.

As some of you may be aware that the previous growing season was faced by very poor rainfall distribution, and many people never realized good harvests. But amidst such a challenge, God blessed our garden with a little more food to share and sell to meet the food needs people have.

Our challenge is that our supply on certain foodstuff tends to mismatch with the current demand. But on the other side this is good because it helps us to learn and refocus as we make considerations on what to grow and in what quantities. In addition, the tent outlet is not going to allow any food wastage. In 12 days since the tent started, we have realized the net sales of 388,000 Ush (Ugandan shillings), approximately $114, and net cash at hand of 326,100 Ush, which is approximately $95.70. monthly wage for two farmers! what is being sold is the vegetation that is leftover after feeding several families and providing the bulk of the food for lunches at st. john’s primary school, feeding 400 students.>monthly wage for two farmers! what is being sold is the vegetation that is leftover after feeding several families and providing the bulk of the food for lunches at st. john’s primary school, feeding 400 students.>

Garden beds ready for planting. The rains are coming!
Garden beds ready for planting. The rains are coming!

At this moment we are almost set to start planting immediately when the rain starts. All the fields which do not have food growing at the moment have been prepared to enable early planting. We are expecting the rain any time. It can be tomorrow morning or any other day.

We are asking for all your prayers and support in this coming season. We specifically want God to give us a good rainfall throughout the growing season and to be able to handle pest related issues.

Lubega Francis, Facilities Manager


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