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Fall Institute Wrap-Up 2015

Our Fall 2015 semester incorporated regular classes for our Undergraduate Program, Masters Program courses, as well as the beginning of the second class offered by Institute Online, titled “Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels.” Along with these formal courses, we also launched our first non-formal neighborhood Bible Study this semester as a service to working individuals in our neighborhood who are unable to take a regular class but desire to increase their knowledge of the Bible. We are thankful for the opportunity to offer both of these services to as they provide opportunities for us to be a blessing new groups of people.

As we are approaching the end of our Fall semester we are looking forward to the Spring, meticulously working on individual student schedules in order to ensure each student has the best academic experience possible for them. We truly believe that learning the Bible is one of the most important things people can do with their lives and are increasingly trying to create avenues for people to do so. Please pray for all our students within these programs to be people that not only learn God’s word, but practice it in faith.



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