By: Sara Davis
On Sunday, December 27, Latin America Regional Team cooperatives and interns hosted an event that was the first of its kind - a banquet for their families. The event held all the joy and festivity of a holiday celebration, but carried more significance. This was a time when everyone present had the opportunity to testify to one singular thing they have seen: the hand of God at work in the lives of these interns and cooperatives.

(Left to right) Ana Vilma, Nereida, Augustina, Edith, Andrea Michelle and Doris (G.O.D. intern). Doris’ family lives just down the road from our campus, and have had a firsthand view of how our ministry has impacted Doris’ growth and development.

For families in El Salvador, raising children to become adults can be a harrowing task. The lack of work opportunities for young people aging into adulthood is discouraging. 46% of youth between the ages of 15-29 do not work. Of those in that age range, 25% neither work nor go to school (1). With so little opportunity available to them, young people are forced to make difficult decisions. Those decisions can lead to painful realities like teenage pregnancy, gang affiliation, and migration to the U.S. - the dividing of families with the hope of a better future.
It’s out of these moments of decision that each one of our interns came to us. Each has a unique story of how God led them to participate with our ministry. None of them simply “fell” into our program - they were all searching for something, listening for God’s voice, and taking steps of faith to be obedient. All of them had to contend with temptation to go a common way, and do the common thing. However, their faith decisions led them to participate with our ministry, and some of them have been doing so for going on six years.

Their families were, and are, a part of this journey. This is what made for such a special banqueting table event. Over this meal, parents spoke of the changes they had seen in their child as they matured through our internship program. They testified to the work of God in their lives, and how it has impacted them and their families. Tears were shed by all as our interns and cooperatives spoke concerning the faith and hope they have as a result of learning the Word of God. There has been a very evident transformation in them - one worth noticing and celebrating - and it is only the beginning.

Lorena Mejia said in her reflection of this time, “It was three hours of great benefit, filled with the presence of God. We closed the night praying together, and we continue in prayer for each family, as each one has different needs and challenges that they continually face. I know that these young people have become a blessing to them; they are the salt and light of this place, whom Jesus has called to learn his Word.”
We invite you to praise God with us over such a wonderful occasion, and to pray with us for the families of our interns and cooperatives in El Salvador.

An opportunity to share what God is doing allows for the families of our interns and cooperatives to join in that experience. 1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” Our co-laborers exemplified this by sharing the hope they have with their loved ones.

Our cooperatives distribute gifts and supplies regularly to their neighbors and families in need. On this occasion, they blessed their own family members with things they need.
Social Inclusion of Young People through Youth Employment Initiatives- El Salvador. (2014, January 16). Retrieved January 13, 2021, from