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G.O.D. Int'l Volunteers Offer Free Portrait Session to Elderly

Serving the elderly isn’t just a part of what we do at G.O.D. International - it’s part of who we are. For nearly twenty years, we have served the widowed and elderly through meal delivery, house visits, cleaning, lawn care, gardening and produce delivery, and, recently, through offering a professional portrait session. When Chippington Towers Resident Service Coordinator, Carolyn Taylor, asked if we would be able to take portraits of their residents, our response was an emphatic yes! We were more than happy to coordinate our photographer volunteers to offer residents the opportunity to have their photographs taken.

Residents showed up to the photoshoot with personality and style! Many of them brought along their favorite furry companion to the shoot. Several residents mentioned this was the first time in decades that they had gotten their portrait taken; for some, it was the first time ever! See a few of the finished portraits below.

The final printed portraits were presented by a group of high school student SLAM volunteers who visited and played music for residents. Residents were overjoyed to see their photographs printed. Many remarked how excited they were to show the portraits to their children and grandchildren. One woman broke down into tears upon seeing her portrait with her dog. In the days since her portrait was taken, her dog of 15 years had passed away. She was so grateful to have a last memory captured with her beloved dog.

Carolyn told us, “Words can’t express the gratitude we at Chippington Towers II have for GOD International. The Christian fellowship, the kindred spirit, the “mission in motion” has touched so many of our lives forever. If the saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ is true, then the photos taken by the G.O.D. Int’l crew are priceless. May the good you do for the Lord return unto you one hundredfold.”

Photographs have the ability to capture and humanize a person, giving them a sense of pride and an opportunity to share their image with others. We were grateful for the opportunity to offer this service to the elderly and we shared in their joy to see their photographs printed and displayed. We look forward to continuing to provide this service, reminding the elderly that they are seen and cared for!


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