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G.O.D. Partners with SMPL

Genovations Media

G.O.D. partners with SMPL to connect people with jobs

It can be very difficult for our foreign-born neighbors to find the work they need to thrive. G.O.D. is happy to spread the news to them about SMPL!

It can be very difficult for our foreign-born neighbors to find the work they need to thrive. G.O.D. is happy to spread the news to them about SMPL!

G.O.D. Int’l is thrilled to announce that it will be working with other Nashville-based nonprofits in partnering with SMPL to get more jobs to those who need them. SMPL’s mission is to “make it simple to find work or workers.” In the various ways we serve our city’s immigrant, refugee, or low-income population, we know how hard it is for people to find good jobs. With SMPL’s innovative tech platform, workers can get instantly connected to companies in search of employees in fields like administration, hospitality, maintenance, creatives, sales, education and more.

G.O.D. and other nonprofits caring for our city’s immigrant and refugee population have a unique opportunity to partner with SMPL and advance the possibility for them to find the jobs needed to help their families thrive. At the moment, we visit a lot of immigrant and refugee communities with three generations living in one bedroom apartments, taking public transportation to their jobs (if they have them), without any time left in the day to see their children. Though they’ve made it to America, the opportunities for advancement and health remain out of reach. One man described his life in America as a golden prison: he can see the opportunities for health and life, but they remain behind barriers that keep them from accessing it.

We are happy to help immigrants and refugees be some of the first to learn about this platform! Jesus opened opportunities for the burdened to find work that was light (Matt. 11:28-30). He was concerned with alleviating anxiety (Matt. 6:25-34), and understood his kingdom as something to be experienced “on earth, as it is in heaven,” (Matt. 6:10). His mission had much more to do with work than we give it credit for (just search ‘labor’ or ‘wage’ in the gospels). We are thrilled to be a part of what we consider to be a kingdom work: reducing the obstacles that stand in between those who need work and those who can give it.

Please pray for us with this exciting partnership! To learn more check out


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