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Giving Back

G.O.D. Latin America Intern Orlando talks about Giving Back to the School He Came from

Although we work with around 23 schools in rural Cuscatlan, El Salvador, we pay particular attention to our neighboring school "Doctor Guillermo Manuel Ungo." Located less than a 5 minute walk from our campus, this school is the learning center for the majority of youth we work with. With 14 teachers and 1 administrator for almost 450 students, the school is often in need of human resources. This past week, Lavinia Fernandez, our cooperative Lorena Mejia, and our new intern, Orlando, met with the principal of the school, Mrs. Paz, to find out ways in which our organization could be of service to them. Orlando wrote the following article after the meeting.

Orlando is working with our organization to facilitate opportunities for youth to develop in the area we work in El Salvador.  

Orlando is working with our organization to facilitate opportunities for youth to develop in the area we work in El Salvador.

At the school "Doctor Guillermo Manuel Ungo" there is a great need, not only a material need, but also a need for personnel. This is what the principal, Mrs. Paz, explained. She was worried as she explained that many children could have various skills, one of them being in music, but they need people to teach them to develop them.

The school has the musical instruments needed to develop musical skills in the children, and some youth have already expressed liking music, and are very interested in learning how to play an instrument. But, even these students, need to be motivated to learn, explained Mrs. Paz.

My objective is to help these youth, by teaching them what I have learned about playing the guitar. I believed that we, at GOD International, want to give 100% of our skills. In the same way Jesus asked the rich young ruler to give everything he had to the poor, so do we have to give of ourselves.

This school is very important to me, because I spent my last school years there. I want to give back to them, as they gave to me, and in that way be of use to the people at the school.



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