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Giving Report: Shower Construction in El Salvador Serves Widows & Empowers Interns

Showers Constructed for Widows in El Salvador, Project carried out by G.O.D. Latin America Interns

By Matthew Parker, G.O.D. Latin America Lead Manager

During G.O.D.’s Holiday giving campaign, we invited friends and family to help us build showers for widows in El Salvador. Our donors gave generously, and we have just completed two of four showers; the first was built for the Hernández family. We completed this project in two full days of work from G.O.D. Int’l student interns, cooperatives, an experienced bricklayer, and the helping hands of the Hernández granddaughters.

BEFORE: The older shower area (left) and old washing station (right). Cooperative Lorena Mejia (right) visited the Hernandez family during the planning and construction process.

AFTER: New Washing Station & Private Shower
AFTER: New Washing Station & Private Shower

Hernández family
Privacy & Security :The Hernández family stands in front of their new shower, made possible by donors!

Agustina and 3 of her granddaughters are pleased with the build and report their gratitude to donors: “thank you to those who made this project possible.”


G.O.D. Latin America Interns Empowered to Carry Out Ministry Projects.

One G.O.D. Latin America intern, Amilcar, says his internship prepared him to successfully manage this project. Along with studying the Bible, Amilcar has studied project management and sustainable building. The intern program has also given him practical experience. Over the last 2 years, he’s served in the role of project supervisor for the two-story youth center (scheduled for completion in June), and also, other service projects on and off the ministry campus. This shower and washing station build is the first project he managed from start to finish!

Amilcar’s biblical training has empowered him to make necessary considerations for projects. He was sensitive to the Hernández family and included them in the decision-making process to ensure that the final product was effective and functional.

Amilcar learned about bricklaying and construction techniques from G.O.D. Int’l team members Michael Johnson, Jeremiah Watson, Jason Roufs, and seen here, working alongside his neighbor, Noe (left), who is an experienced bricklayer.


G.O.D. Team Gifts Family Privacy and Easy Access to Water Source

The Hernández family needed to make room for a shower area by demolishing their existing clothes-washing station. Amilcar and the G.O.D. team in El Salvador were able to design the shower to include a new washing station, and they positioned everything in a way that both enhanced the family’s privacy and allowed easy access to the water source.

Scriptures like James 2:14-17 motivate our efforts. James tells his audience that when you see a brother or sister in need, it is not enough to wish them well, you have to do something about it. Our faith must be demonstrated in helping our neighbors in need. We are grateful to meet these needs, and we know it will lead to improved health and security.

 G.O.D. Int’l cooperatives and interns, as well as the Hernández granddaughters got involved in the construction process.
making new washing station hernandez family.jpg
The Hernández washing station needed to be demolished and rebuilt in a new location to make an area for an enclosed shower.


Thank YOU for your Help!

We are so thankful to collaborate with our donors to meet this need. Our goal is to complete the remaining 2 showers by the end of this summer season. Please continue to pray for our team in El Salvador, as they work together and serve their local community.


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