Everyone loves an underdog story. When someone, against all odds, rises up and overcomes their circumstances. In these classic inspirational stories, however, there’s always the figures along the way who support their journey: the passionate teacher, the wise, elderly neighbor, the seasoned coach. They come in at pivotal moments to offer words of wisdom, a speech that spurs the protagonist to reach their potential, and ensure they can continue their journey. Without the support of these people, the story’s hero or heroine likely would never become who we know them to be.
For so many of the youth we work with, without some kind of intervention, will never have a chance. If they make it to 18 without experiencing hunger, teen pregnancy, gang violence, a failing school, physical endangerment, unemployment, it’s a miracle. We work with youth to prevent these issues from stealing futures. All around the world, we are offering youth opportunities to be supported along their journey so they can overcome the odds.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/514ce42ae4b0d2e6d866511c/1542386042220-38P1OGYSH1YBHBNVWJW9/DSC_0200.jpg" alt=" Our volunteer, Samuel, works with students at Aquatic Public School to improve their English comprehension. English is the language of business and commerce in India, making it a vital skill for young people to learn. " />
Our volunteer, Samuel, works with students at Aquatic Public School to improve their English comprehension. English is the language of business and commerce in India, making it a vital skill for young people to learn.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/514ce42ae4b0d2e6d866511c/1542386064029-HE9WBYR4RSA7K2786XL8/AAR_2135.jpg" alt=" The Institute for G.O.D. International is both a higher-education Bible school and a skills development program. This combination is rare, but what we consider to be the necessary response to the variety of needs that exist in Uganda. " />
The Institute for G.O.D. International is both a higher-education Bible school and a skills development program. This combination is rare, but what we consider to be the necessary response to the variety of needs that exist in Uganda.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/514ce42ae4b0d2e6d866511c/1543418308396-TWZ34G9AGQIISAYNNGVY/DSC_0752-2.jpg" alt=" Manohar Paul teaches a music class to boys at our office in Gurgaon. Manohar approaches this class as a time not only to teach music, but also teach on topics such as stress management and character development. " />
Manohar Paul teaches a music class to boys at our office in Gurgaon. Manohar approaches this class as a time not only to teach music, but also teach on topics such as stress management and character development.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/514ce42ae4b0d2e6d866511c/1543418407620-T392SZXSXOTM5B9HMD23/20181007-IMG_5331.jpg" alt=" Rafael Reyes and Benjamin Reese work with our El Salvador interns to develop their critical thinking and literacy skills through the study of God’s Word. " />
Rafael Reyes and Benjamin Reese work with our El Salvador interns to develop their critical thinking and literacy skills through the study of God’s Word.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/514ce42ae4b0d2e6d866511c/1542386125470-HM59RB1LY1J2NQ16P6MO/DSC_0483.JPG" alt=" Tahanan Community Center provides a safe venue for youth to gather for a variety of activities. On any given day, you can find students studying and receiving tutoring help, participating in Bible studies, or having a game night. The center is equip" />
Tahanan Community Center provides a safe venue for youth to gather for a variety of activities. On any given day, you can find students studying and receiving tutoring help, participating in Bible studies, or having a game night. The center is equipped with a library, computers, and music equipment for young people to use, but also a staff of people who care for them and want to help them grow in their faith in the Lord.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/514ce42ae4b0d2e6d866511c/1542386074709-7YFI4FUD7YSSXAHJV5EC/AAR_1805.jpg" alt=" Our EA cooperative Cissy studies the Bible with her sons, Gideon and Barnabas. We love empowering parents with the knowledge of God’s Word to pass on to their children. " />
Our EA cooperative Cissy studies the Bible with her sons, Gideon and Barnabas. We love empowering parents with the knowledge of God’s Word to pass on to their children.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/514ce42ae4b0d2e6d866511c/1543418405398-A3BCYJ4OGSZSY3YBFW4D/20171218-IMG_6908.jpg" alt=" As long as we’ve worked in Latin America, we’ve offered youth Bible conference. These conferences have challenged students to learn God’s Word and participate with him in changing their communities. " />
As long as we’ve worked in Latin America, we’ve offered youth Bible conference. These conferences have challenged students to learn God’s Word and participate with him in changing their communities.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/514ce42ae4b0d2e6d866511c/1543421643033-G7TF5RRKA0IA4M6UJ1F4/AAR_3152.jpg" alt=" Uganda has the youngest population in the world. According to a report by African Development Bank (ADB), Uganda’s youth unemployment is 83 percent. We work with youth to provide the skills and education necessary to enter the workforce. " />
Uganda has the youngest population in the world. According to a report by African Development Bank (ADB), Uganda’s youth unemployment is 83 percent. We work with youth to provide the skills and education necessary to enter the workforce.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/514ce42ae4b0d2e6d866511c/1542386047723-AC54XGZLC1PKLTYOVPM0/DSC_1030.jpg" alt=" In India, we offer literacy opportunities for students. This project was specifically focused on the empowerment of girls - giving them a chance to write their own stories. " />
In India, we offer literacy opportunities for students. This project was specifically focused on the empowerment of girls - giving them a chance to write their own stories.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/514ce42ae4b0d2e6d866511c/1543421641151-7EPPH16HFQ9J9DW2198Y/Uganda-Sept2017-+%28366+of+391%29.jpg" alt=" Part of our vision is that “education will exist for all.” One of the ways we are doing this is by offering free bible school in Uganda, supported by donors, to make the way for young people to learn about the Lord and be of benefit to their society" />
Part of our vision is that “education will exist for all.” One of the ways we are doing this is by offering free bible school in Uganda, supported by donors, to make the way for young people to learn about the Lord and be of benefit to their society.
These are just a few windows into the work that we do with young people around the world. Working with young people can be challenging on many levels, but we’re with Jesus when he says that “the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” We recognize that part of following Jesus and bringing His kingdom to fruition is ensuring that young people are given priority in our work and the opportunities that they deserve.