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Global Outreach Developments Int'l Hosts Youth Development Professionals with NAZA

Benjamin Reese

Youth Development professionals Alejandros Felton, Micah Kimble, Stefanie Nsubuga, Benjamin Reese, and Thomas Chappelle at GOD Int'l headquarters.
Alejandros Felton, Micah Kimble, Stefanie Nsubuga, Benjamin Reese, and Thomas Chappelle at GOD Int'l headquarters.

Global Outreach Developments International hosts a cohort of youth development professionals as a part of an important NAZA-led initiative. The meeting was part of an ongoing project to develop ways of communicating and implementing Nashville’s Vision for Holistic Youth Development, a framework that guides the creation of programs and communities where youth can thrive. Employees of GOD International have participated in this initiative for 3 years, working with other stakeholders to support Nashville's vision of creating a better future for its youth.

Nashville’s Vision for Holistic Youth Development sprung from a simple question: What do youth need to thrive in work, education, and life? Nashville After Zone Alliance (NAZA) sought answers by partnering with Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College, Nashville Public Library, Mayor’s Youth Council, Youth In Action!, and over 200 community stakeholders from 25+ organizations. The result was a framework that laid out what youth needed to thrive.

Global Outreach Developments Int'l CEO Gregg Garner greets the NAZA Cohort 3 as they tour the GOD Int'l headquarters located in Nashville TN.
Global Outreach Developments Int'l CEO Gregg Garner greets the NAZA Cohort 3 as they tour the GOD Int'l headquarters.

Visions require implementation. So the next step was to produce guides, lesson plans, and other materials to help organizations understand and implement The Vision. NAZA brought together experienced youth development professionals for this purpose. For three years, employees of Global Outreach Developments International have participated in 3 different cohorts, including Stefanie Nsubuga, Kelly Nava, and Benjamin Reese.

On February 24th, Global Outreach Developments Int’l welcomed participants of the third cohort to its campus, providing hospitality and a place to work on guides that will help caregivers, youth development professionals, and youth practically implement the ideas of the vision.

“Being at G.O.D. International this weekend was an inspiration and testament to what God can do when we are earnest and of service to mankind. I learned about the history of the Hopewell community and the resilience of the residents that lived through some tough times. As we work in this cohort to help develop and empower Nashville’s youth to become the next leaders of tomorrow, GOD International reminds me that we must continue to be diligent in sowing seeds in the good ground so the harvest will sprout abundantly. Matthew 13:8” - Trey Chappelle, Chief Academic Officer Backfield In Motion

Benjamin Reese, CASE youth development worker facilitated the NAZA Cohort 3 meeting to develop curriculum for Nashville's Holistic Vision and Mission.
Benjamin Reese facilitated the NAZA Cohort 3 meeting to develop curriculum for Nashville's Holistic Vision and Mission.

“The best thing to be in life is yourself!” The energy that was given while visiting GOD International immediately welcomed me to be myself. I learned incredible history, connected with unique like minded individuals, and was exposed to the value of self expression with a valued voice. As our Cohort met to create the vision and development for our youth and their support system, the atmosphere was filled with motivation and a joyful spirit that I have never experienced before. This visit truly meant so much to my life because the feeling I felt is the same exact feeling we are hoping to produce for our youth to continue the efforts in serving the community and making an impact globally with their God given purpose. 1 Timothy 4:12 - Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

 - Alejandros Felton, Program and Project Manager Martha O’Bryan Center

Global Outreach Developments Int’l have been partners with NAZA for 10 years through the CASE After-School Program. We are excited to continue partnering with NAZA to help create a more just and equitable city, giving youth everything they need to thrive in work, life, and education.

CASE is a program of the Nashville After Zone Alliance. The Nashville After Zone Alliance is a network of coordinated after school programming for Metro’s middle-school students. NAZA is a partnership among the Nashville Public Library, MNPS, and other existing youth-serving groups. It is modeled on successful efforts in other cities and is organized around geographically-defined zones.


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