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Gratitude All Around

Director of Education Reflects on 2015-2016 Year at the Institute for G.O.D.

As the Spring semester of 2016 concludes, I reflect on the many things that I am proud of. I love the heart and devotion of our students. They are committed to not just do their homework, but to learn from their homework so that they are challenged to live more like Jesus. I am so thankful for the work of my administrative staff and all of their hard work in helping to logistically provide class schedules and classrooms for all those involved.

Institute Instructor Jeff Sherrod facilitates a discussion for prospective students on our Student Visitation weekend. 

Institute Instructor Jeff Sherrod facilitates a discussion for prospective students on our Student Visitation weekend.

Our teachers’ days are filled with a variety of opportunities to teach students of all ages. Most of them wake up around 5:00am to prepare for their first college-level class which begins at 7am. After teaching at our Institute, they also teach at our K-12 Academy with topics from Biblical Studies, Hebrew and History to Language Arts, Poetry and Drama. Our Instructors also help conduct a Bible Study for our neighborhood, a class specifically for moms, and video correspondence classes for our cooperatives abroad and our Institute Online Program.

Instructor Benjamin Reese spends time each summer teaching God's Word to youth group through our SLAM program. 

Instructor Benjamin Reese spends time each summer teaching God's Word to youth group through our SLAM program.

I recognize that this paradigm is quite different from other colleges instructors. Yet, because we believe that the Kingdom of God belongs to children, we believe that teaching the next generation should be an aspect of everyone’s work, college professors included! My staff have mentioned their gratitude on multiple occasions for the joy they experience when teaching, no matter what age of the students.

As we close out this semester and head into the summer months, education continues, just in different settings. Teachers will conduct informal Bible studies as well as speak at conferences and camps here in Nashville and internationally. Please pray for our teachers and all the hard work they put into learning and practicing God’s word so to be good examples for the students they are teaching.



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