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His Workmanship: Salvadoran interns grow in accountability

By Katie Dunning

Over the last year, we’ve constructed a Youth Center facility on our ministry’s campus in El Salvador. Each day, neighboring youth, cooperatives and student interns watch a building in process, taking on more shape than the day before. This progressive building process is a sign of hope for our Salvadoran friends. It also serves as a parallel to the growth young adults experience when they strive to follow Christ in community.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)

In its final phase of construction, the facility is starting to show more character. Cooperatives and student interns will soon see the installation of windows, doors, railings, plaster, electrical and plumbing, and more. They'll have a dedicated space to fellowship over a healthy meal; experience empowerment through biblical education and capacity development; and take part in group bible studies and worship. The center will bless local youth, visiting ministry teams, and provide our cooperatives an operations base for education and empowerment.

Regular gatherings for prayer, fellowship, worship and bible study are important ways that followers of Jesus practice accountability.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

This month a team from the Latin America team traveled to El Salvador to review progress on the center and also, to encourage our cooperatives and interns on the other side of a very long year of COVID-19 quarantines and isolation.

Latin America Regional Team Lead Manager, Matthew Parker and fellow team delegates addressed the spiritual and mental health of students and cooperatives, regarding the effects of strict quarantine procedures. The team facilitated a workshop on accountability, and empowered them for a wonderful season of ministry ahead. According to Matthew, through the process of re-enforcing the need for spiritual disciplines, student interns became excited and are full of hope for the new season ahead.

“Without the disciplines of scripture reading, prayer, bible study and worship, it’s easy to lose sight, to lose vision to live each day. Our Salvadoran interns (like all our ministry's students around the world) work hard to maintain vision, patience, understanding and humility related to their responsibilities. By going to them , it reminded them that we love and care for them. That God cares for them and wants to help them resolve conflicts, to forgive sins, and to cleanse them.”

Student Intern Program manager, Lavinia Fernandez Becker, emphasized how it was a priority to hear from students and help them better understand biblical accountability.

Lavinia and team delegate Elise Gerard guided interns in writing out their daily schedules to see how their time was being spent so they could hold each other accountable. Then, Lavinia and team delegate Marco Arroyo walked them through the theme of forgiveness, exploring texts like James 5:16 and Matthew 18:15-35. Interns were then able to apply scripture to recent situations, and articulate ways in which they could have responded in a more biblical way.

In addition to studying God’s word, our student interns are provided with daily opportunities for capacity development. Gabby, left, is interested in growing skills in the areas of communications and music. Kenia, right, is focusing on her developin…
In addition to studying God’s word, our student interns are provided with daily opportunities for capacity development. Gabby, left, is interested in growing skills in the areas of communications and music. Kenia, right, is focusing on her developing capacities in agriculture.

The students also made a unifying promise to be good friends to one another and tell the truth. They committed to asking each other more direct questions and dialoguing; talking to leadership when they do not know how to help a friend; and reflecting on their personal motives before approaching one another with an issue.

Lavinia shared that our team is “very grateful for the humility and desire to learn demonstrated by our interns. Their desire to learn the Word of God is inspiring. We're excited to see the fruit they'll produce this year."

Matthew added that the cooperatives and student interns “were so receptive to these teachings. It brought new life to our campus. For each of them, even, a new enthusiasm for their personal responsibilities and skills that God is developing in them, so they can continue to serve with joy and excitement every single day.”

Latin America Regional Team Manager Matthew Parker with Salvadoran cooperatives, interns and visiting delegation, March 2021.
Latin America Regional Team Manager Matthew Parker with Salvadoran cooperatives, interns and visiting delegation, March 2021.

Soon, they’ll be occupying the Youth Center and filling it with good works. The building project was a lesson in itself. Team members leading sustainable building efforts on campus have imparted their project management and (10+) years of construction experience to interns involved in the project.

Michael Johnson, Sustainable Building Program Manager reports: “We intentionally involved our partners in this endeavor. Working through construction issues, working on communication, learning to track financial and physical resources; all with the expectations that they will grow in practical experience.”

Together with our Salvadoran cooperatives and student interns, we thank the LORD for the work he is doing to develop and unify our team. We are thankful for a renewed hope in our Salvadoran friends, and for the upcoming season of ministry.

(L to R) Student interns Amilcar, Doris, and Orlando. Lorena and Antonio Mejia, with children Emma Natalia and Liam. Student interns Gabby and Kenia.
(L to R) Student interns Amilcar, Doris, and Orlando. Lorena and Antonio Mejia, with children Emma Natalia and Liam. Student interns Gabby and Kenia.



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