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Holiday Campaign Update: How Your Donations Are Impacting Nashville

As we reflect on the past year and the incredible generosity of our community partners and sponsors, we are thrilled to provide an update on how your donations have made a meaningful impact in the Greater Nashville area through last year’s Holiday Giving campaign. Your contributions have enabled us to carry out our mission of serving those in need, and today, we want to share the remarkable progress we've made in three crucial areas within the Community Service umbrella of GOD International: Youth Empowerment, Immigrant and Refugee Care, and Widow and Elderly Care.

 African refugee community care GOD International
This ELL class caters to the African refugee community in the greater Nashville area.

Immigrant and Refugee Care: Empowering New Beginnings

In December 2022, we received a total of $3,828 for our Immigrant and Refugee Care program. With this generous support, we have been able to accomplish the following:

  1. ELL Student Support: Your donations allowed us to provide 70 hours of live instruction to our English Language Learner (ELL) students. This has been instrumental in helping newcomers to Nashville improve their language skills and adapt to their new environment.

  2. New Classroom Location for ELL Students: By moving two of our program locations to Old Hickory and LaVergne, we can now reach and serve more individuals within our community.

  3. Educational Resources: Funds have been used to create two online teaching programs and provide essential teaching resources to our dedicated teachers. These resources have enhanced the quality of education for our ELL students, making learning more engaging and effective.

  4. Upcoming Workshops: We are excited to announce that this winter, we will be conducting a Medical Insurance Workshop and seminar for our ELL students.

In our mission to support immigrants and refugees, we are reminded of the words from the Book of Leviticus: "The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God." (Leviticus 19:34, NIV)

Youth Empowerment: Sustaining Youth Programs

Youth Empowerment GOD International
WorkWell Youth employees worked in several different job opportunities.

In the Youth Empowerment sector, your donations made a significant impact. We received $2,643, which enabled us to focus on empowering the youth in our community:

  1. Peer Leader Training: Your support allowed us to provide 20 hours of preparation for mentorship training. We conducted three comprehensive training sessions for nine dedicated Peer Leaders**.

  2. Program Space and Supplies: The necessary space and supplies for these training sessions to take place was provided. This ensured that our Peer Leaders had the resources they needed to thrive in their roles.

  3. Skill Development: The training also included the development of both hard and soft skills, equipping our Peer Leaders with the tools they need to excel in their mentoring roles.

  4. Program Development: Lastly, we worked on program development, enabling our Peer Leaders to create impactful initiatives that will positively influence their peers and the community at large.

In our commitment to nurturing young leaders, we find inspiration from the book of Proverbs: "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it." (Proverbs 22:6, NIV)

**Peer Leaders supervise the 14-15 yr old youth throughout their first job experience providing them with hard and soft skills within their positions. We served close to 70 youth.**

Widow and Elderly Care: Enhancing Elder Care and Support

Widow and Elderly Care GOD International
The weekly activities provided by local college students at Chippington.

Lastly, our Widow and Elderly Care program is a testament to your kindness and compassion. Your donations have allowed us to provide services that bring joy, support, and companionship to seniors who greatly benefit from the following services:

  1. Chippington Programs: We offered various activities to residents, personal care, interactive games, Bible study, sweet treats, musical performances, and sing-along opportunities. Your support made these moments of joy possible.

  2. Cleaning Services: Our team provided light housekeeping, organizing and decluttering spaces, social interactions, and prayer. These services have eased the burdens of daily life for our elderly friends.

  3. Expanding Our Reach: We now serve at 5 different senior citizen complexes/centers around the Greater Nashville area.

Your generous contributions to the Widow and Elderly Care program totaled $2,913. Through these, we have continued to uphold the scriptural command, “You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of the elders, and you shall fear your God: I am the Lord." - Leviticus 19:32” This verse highlights the value of showing respect and honor to the elderly. It reminds us to treat older individuals with dignity and consideration, recognizing the wisdom and experience they bring to our communities. Caring for the elderly is not only a social responsibility but also a spiritual one and one we do not take for granted.

In all these endeavors, your assistance sustains and helps us to answer the scriptural call to serve those in need: welcome strangers, empower youth, and care for the elderly. We are deeply grateful for your partnership. As we look ahead, we are excited about the continued positive impact we can create together. Thank you for being a beacon of hope, love, and kindness in our community.



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