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Institute EA Begins Fall 2018 Term

Peter Kimbugwe serves as our Dean of the Institute for G.O.D. EA as well as our lead instructor. Here, he discusses the start of our Fall 2018 term. This week, our East Africa Leadership Cabinet is on the ground to assist in making sure our students are set up to succeed in their biblical education.

Greetings from East Africa,

I am Peter Kimbugwe, your fellow servant in Jesus Christ from Uganda.

Once again, I am grateful for all that the Lord is doing in our lives as he continues equip us for the manifestation of his glorious kingdom on earth.

The first quarter, students are learning the book of Genesis from Professor Kimbugwe.

The first quarter, students are learning the book of Genesis from Professor Kimbugwe.

I am glad to share with you some of the wonderful things that the Lord has continued to do in our lives at the Institute for G.O.D East Africa, and in the Kabonge community at large.

In regards to the Institute, we are two weeks into our new 2018-2019 academic year. This was preceded by an Orientation day that was very impactful and motivating. It was organized and arranged with numerous activities, which made it such a power-packed day for us all. We had a good moments of both individual and group prayer sessions. Everyone was able to open up their hearts, to call upon God and to commit their lives, as well as the day into God’s hands.

The morning session was used to speak with the Institute students, reminding them about our call and goals, how we are more than just a school or an Institute. We have a calling upon our lives and it should be understood as a vocation rather than a mere job that people can do to earn a living or for survival. We had wonderful moments of encouragement from different speakers. As a bible teacher at the Institute, I reminded the students about Institute expectations and guidelines, which was very helpful for most of the students. Most of them had never had such a day in their time with us, because they joined Institute after the Orientation was over.

We had brother Lawrence talk about holy living. He explained the purpose of the guideline and rules we have in place which are all biblically based. They are not intended to control or oppress anyone, but they are for our own goodness. So in order to live a holy life, we need to know and understand these laws, and the commandments that the Lord has given us.

The Institute is both a higher-education Bible school and a skills development program. This combination is rare, but what we consider to be the necessary response to the variety of needs that exist.

The Institute is both a higher-education Bible school and a skills development program. This combination is rare, but what we consider to be the necessary response to the variety of needs that exist.

We also had brother Francis talk about the housing and campus rules and guidelines, reminding us about the good use of what God has provided. He also talked about work, why we should not view work as a burden but to know and understand it as part of the study program. These are the opportunities the Institute provides to assist the learners to develop different skills that can empower them to become responsible citizens.

Later in the day we were provided with a lunch that we enjoyed with the entire community, including the children. After lunch we gathered again and had a great time of worship and prayer. I came back again and talked about holiness and being set apart or sanctified. We discussed what it involves, imaging God, being creative in holy ways and having a  consideration for others as we live interdependently.

Institute Orientation isn’t just practical matters, though it includes that. It’s a time for students and staff to orient their hearts towards the Lord. Without him, a successful semester isn’t possible.

Institute Orientation isn’t just practical matters, though it includes that. It’s a time for students and staff to orient their hearts towards the Lord. Without him, a successful semester isn’t possible.

There was a wonderful time when we split into groups, teachers mixing up with Institute students, older children in the community were also involved to discuss the main points from the speaker. It was so encouraging to see our older children, viewed as the potential near future Institute students getting involved in these discussions.

We were very much encouraged, motivated and inspired to move forward in pursuing the Lord, the students and the co-operatives together. We all came to the end of the day very much determined to start the new academic year with renewed energy and refreshed minds to make great differences in our servanthood, working hard towards maturation and into the likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As teachers we are looking forward to finding better ways of serving and helping our students to build a deeper relationship with the Lord, that is built on the understanding of God’s Word through education and living an exemplary life from which they can get to see and learn from.

Our expectation in this year is see mental and spiritual development as the students express a greater desire and enthusiasm to learn and serve freely. Please stand with us in prayer for these needs.

God bless you all.

Brother, Peter Kimbugwe



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