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Institute for G.O.D. Celebrates 12th Year

We just concluded our 12th year at the Institute for G.O.D. We are thankful to God for giving us his Word, and allowing us to teach it to over a hundred students who are committed to living it out in lifetime service. It is such a privilege, and we are grateful for the fruit that has come out of this program in the lives of our graduates.

<img src="" alt=" Gregg Garner, the founder and President of G.O.D. International, maintains his role as a lead instructor in both our Biblical Studies and Community Development programs. Students love Gregg's classes, which are at maximum capacity every semester. We" />

 Gregg Garner, the founder and President of G.O.D. International, maintains his role as a lead instructor in both our Biblical Studies and Community Development programs. Students love Gregg's classes, which are at maximum capacity every semester. We

Gregg Garner, the founder and President of G.O.D. International, maintains his role as a lead instructor in both our Biblical Studies and Community Development programs. Students love Gregg's classes, which are at maximum capacity every semester. We're blessed to have him!

<img src="" alt=" Jameson Parker, 1st year student, says, &quot;I've found that all of the energy I put into my schoolwork produces fruit in my life that extends far beyond academic success. My favorite part of being a student here is receiving an education that doesn't d" />

 Jameson Parker, 1st year student, says, "I've found that all of the energy I put into my schoolwork produces fruit in my life that extends far beyond academic success. My favorite part of being a student here is receiving an education that doesn't d

Jameson Parker, 1st year student, says, "I've found that all of the energy I put into my schoolwork produces fruit in my life that extends far beyond academic success. My favorite part of being a student here is receiving an education that doesn't dilute what the Bible says, but challenges me with its truth."

<img src="" alt=" About two-thirds of our student body already have degrees from other collegiate institutions. They've found, however, that the depth and intensity of our biblical studies and our focus on personalized occupational development is unmatched and theref" />

 About two-thirds of our student body already have degrees from other collegiate institutions. They've found, however, that the depth and intensity of our biblical studies and our focus on personalized occupational development is unmatched and theref

About two-thirds of our student body already have degrees from other collegiate institutions. They've found, however, that the depth and intensity of our biblical studies and our focus on personalized occupational development is unmatched and therefore worth their time.

<img src="" alt=" All of our instructors are full-time employees of and development workers for G.O.D. International, allowing their time in the classroom to help shape a student's understanding of the vision of our organization as a whole.&amp;nbsp; " />

 All of our instructors are full-time employees of and development workers for G.O.D. International, allowing their time in the classroom to help shape a student's understanding of the vision of our organization as a whole.&nbsp;

All of our instructors are full-time employees of and development workers for G.O.D. International, allowing their time in the classroom to help shape a student's understanding of the vision of our organization as a whole.

<img src="" alt=" Though we offer two degrees,&amp;nbsp;biblical studies and community development, both place a main priority on learning the Bible. Throughout our undergraduate and graduate programs, we offer classes on nearly every book of the Bible.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Though we offer two degrees,&nbsp;biblical studies and community development, both place a main priority on learning the Bible. Throughout our undergraduate and graduate programs, we offer classes on nearly every book of the Bible.&nbsp;

Though we offer two degrees, biblical studies and community development, both place a main priority on learning the Bible. Throughout our undergraduate and graduate programs, we offer classes on nearly every book of the Bible.

<img src="" alt=" Every participant in our organization is expected to take a class at the Institute each semester. Beyond enrollment in our undergraduate and graduate programs, graduates also choose to take an additional class that interests them or helps them under" />

 Every participant in our organization is expected to take a class at the Institute each semester. Beyond enrollment in our undergraduate and graduate programs, graduates also choose to take an additional class that interests them or helps them under

Every participant in our organization is expected to take a class at the Institute each semester. Beyond enrollment in our undergraduate and graduate programs, graduates also choose to take an additional class that interests them or helps them understand the Bible on a deeper level--and they all love it!

<img src="" alt=" One of the specialties within the Community Development program is our Maternal Health emphasis. This program, begun by Tara Garner (left), has produced dozens of childbirth educators and doulas, many of whom go on to expand their specialties in the" />

 One of the specialties within the Community Development program is our Maternal Health emphasis. This program, begun by Tara Garner (left), has produced dozens of childbirth educators and doulas, many of whom go on to expand their specialties in the

One of the specialties within the Community Development program is our Maternal Health emphasis. This program, begun by Tara Garner (left), has produced dozens of childbirth educators and doulas, many of whom go on to expand their specialties in the fields of lactation and midwifery.

<img src="" alt=" Heather Munoz, Certified Professional Midwife, teaches students in the Maternal Health program how to measure the fundus to track the healthy growth of a fetus. Students use such knowledge in their service as educators and doulas both in Nashville a" />

 Heather Munoz, Certified Professional Midwife, teaches students in the Maternal Health program how to measure the fundus to track the healthy growth of a fetus. Students use such knowledge in their service as educators and doulas both in Nashville a

Heather Munoz, Certified Professional Midwife, teaches students in the Maternal Health program how to measure the fundus to track the healthy growth of a fetus. Students use such knowledge in their service as educators and doulas both in Nashville and in the international regions where we serve.

<img src="" alt=" All Institute students are enrolled in Primary Health Care courses where they learn the basics of caring for those in need. Utilizing the textbook &quot;Where There is No Doctor,&quot; we teach that everyone is a community health care worker when they live in" />

 All Institute students are enrolled in Primary Health Care courses where they learn the basics of caring for those in need. Utilizing the textbook "Where There is No Doctor," we teach that everyone is a community health care worker when they live in

All Institute students are enrolled in Primary Health Care courses where they learn the basics of caring for those in need. Utilizing the textbook "Where There is No Doctor," we teach that everyone is a community health care worker when they live in the third world. Everyone needs to know the basics of wound care, malaria prevention, and how to recognize a problem when they see it.

<img src="" alt=" Students in our &quot;Occupational Development and Organizational Dynamics&quot; course worked through third world case studies. We believe that the practice should be done on this side of the world, so that we aren't experimenting on people in poverty.&amp;nbsp;" />

 Students in our "Occupational Development and Organizational Dynamics" course worked through third world case studies. We believe that the practice should be done on this side of the world, so that we aren't experimenting on people in poverty.&nbsp;

Students in our "Occupational Development and Organizational Dynamics" course worked through third world case studies. We believe that the practice should be done on this side of the world, so that we aren't experimenting on people in poverty.

<img src="" alt=" Classes at the Institute are collaborative, with many final projects including real-time, real-life implementation of the things they have learned within the five regions where we serve. Students have designed literacy programs, language-learning ef" />

 Classes at the Institute are collaborative, with many final projects including real-time, real-life implementation of the things they have learned within the five regions where we serve. Students have designed literacy programs, language-learning ef

Classes at the Institute are collaborative, with many final projects including real-time, real-life implementation of the things they have learned within the five regions where we serve. Students have designed literacy programs, language-learning efforts, widow care policies and maternal health curriculums all during their study.

<img src="" alt=" The Institute provides study abroad opportunities in our four international regions. Students engage in semester-long service opportunities that grow their capacities as teachers, youth workers, administrators and more.&amp;nbsp; " />

 The Institute provides study abroad opportunities in our four international regions. Students engage in semester-long service opportunities that grow their capacities as teachers, youth workers, administrators and more.&nbsp;

The Institute provides study abroad opportunities in our four international regions. Students engage in semester-long service opportunities that grow their capacities as teachers, youth workers, administrators and more.

<img src="" alt=" Students don't only learn in the classroom, but also through various volunteer opportunities that grow their skills in things like bio-intensive gardening, cross-cultural teaching, building, soil and water treatment, working with youth and more.&amp;nbs" />

 Students don't only learn in the classroom, but also through various volunteer opportunities that grow their skills in things like bio-intensive gardening, cross-cultural teaching, building, soil and water treatment, working with youth and more.&nbs

Students don't only learn in the classroom, but also through various volunteer opportunities that grow their skills in things like bio-intensive gardening, cross-cultural teaching, building, soil and water treatment, working with youth and more.

<img src="" alt=" Our projects are not just &quot;practice&quot; though. They benefit our direct neighbors living in Hopewell, where the Institute is located. This student works with our Director of Facilities to create a station for the food grown in our community garden to b" />

 Our projects are not just "practice" though. They benefit our direct neighbors living in Hopewell, where the Institute is located. This student works with our Director of Facilities to create a station for the food grown in our community garden to b

Our projects are not just "practice" though. They benefit our direct neighbors living in Hopewell, where the Institute is located. This student works with our Director of Facilities to create a station for the food grown in our community garden to be washed, dried, and processed.

<img src="" alt=" Each week, students and faculty gather for chapel, where they hear the Word in a less academic, more personal, way. Chapel ensures that our time in the Word is not just an academic pursuit, but a spiritual one.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Each week, students and faculty gather for chapel, where they hear the Word in a less academic, more personal, way. Chapel ensures that our time in the Word is not just an academic pursuit, but a spiritual one.&nbsp;

Each week, students and faculty gather for chapel, where they hear the Word in a less academic, more personal, way. Chapel ensures that our time in the Word is not just an academic pursuit, but a spiritual one.

<img src="" alt=" Chapel is followed by community improvement projects, like this one where students organized a free clothing swap for neighbors in need in the cold winter months.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Chapel is followed by community improvement projects, like this one where students organized a free clothing swap for neighbors in need in the cold winter months.&nbsp;

Chapel is followed by community improvement projects, like this one where students organized a free clothing swap for neighbors in need in the cold winter months.

<img src="" alt=" Through our Community Development Day (which includes chapel), students are able to sync their love of God with their love of neighbor, literally. Students perform not only practical projects but also just loving ones, like giving a neighboring wido" />

 Through our Community Development Day (which includes chapel), students are able to sync their love of God with their love of neighbor, literally. Students perform not only practical projects but also just loving ones, like giving a neighboring wido

Through our Community Development Day (which includes chapel), students are able to sync their love of God with their love of neighbor, literally. Students perform not only practical projects but also just loving ones, like giving a neighboring widow a manicure.

<img src="" alt=" Other students worked to improve the neighborhood skate park that hosts local teenagers and young adults.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Other students worked to improve the neighborhood skate park that hosts local teenagers and young adults.&nbsp;

Other students worked to improve the neighborhood skate park that hosts local teenagers and young adults.

<img src="" alt=" We are truly grateful to God for the Institute, and all that transpires through it. Cultivating hearts that are attuned to the Lord, know his Word, and respond in service is our goal, and we are watching it come true before our eyes.&amp;nbsp; " />

 We are truly grateful to God for the Institute, and all that transpires through it. Cultivating hearts that are attuned to the Lord, know his Word, and respond in service is our goal, and we are watching it come true before our eyes.&nbsp;

We are truly grateful to God for the Institute, and all that transpires through it. Cultivating hearts that are attuned to the Lord, know his Word, and respond in service is our goal, and we are watching it come true before our eyes.



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