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Interns Serve in El Salvador

Summer Internship is an intensive 7 week program, that provides an opportunity to participate in ministry with G.O.D. International. This summer, interns served locally in Nashville and internationally in El Salvador and Uganda. They recently finished a week of service in Cuscatlán, El Salvador.

Summer interns partnered with Salvadorans who are participating in a 5-year internship with our organization, to serve local widows, children, youth, and farmers. Their week was full, as they participated in a variety of service-oriented activities, times of fellowship, and Bible Studies. We are thankful to say that God was near, opening the eyes of the interns, tearing down cultural and language barriers and blessing both Americans and Salvadorans alike.

The 10 American and Salvadoran interns worked together to organize “Club de Niños” (Kids’ Club) a children's’ program that includes sports, crafts, Bible stories, skits and ethical lessons. Having already organized camp activities for Camp Skillz Madison during the Nashville portion of their internship, the interns were well-prepared to take on this task. Interns provided structured activities, specifically designed for kids to learn and have fun in a safe environment.

Antonia, a widow in her 70s, cares for her daughter, Angelita, who has cerebral palsy. The interns visited with them, bringing them food and songs.

Antonia, a widow in her 70s, cares for her daughter, Angelita, who has cerebral palsy. The interns visited with them, bringing them food and songs.

During the week, the interns were also able to visit elderly and disabled neighbors in their homes, bringing them food and songs. The interns reflected that they were particularly moved by Antonia and her daughter Angelita, who has a form of cerebral palsy. They sang to Angelita and listened to Antonia’s story. They finished the visit praying for these precious people and being prayed over by them. Intern Lauren Garrison commented on the experience, “Antonia has suffered every trial you can think of, too much for me to even share. Her life is not fair. It’s not fair that a woman with CP has only one care provider that is old and frail. The Lord needs me to know the Bible so that I can serve Antonia and Angelita. I have to learn the Bible so that I can be equipped to serve them in a way that is dignifying and purposeful.”

Simon, a 70 year old farmer, shares his life story with the interns. 

Simon, a 70 year old farmer, shares his life story with the interns.

The interns were also moved by their visit with Simon, a 70-year-old farmer who lives alone on top of a nearby mountain, a two-hour hike away. Simon shared about his life; he showed them the fields where he grows over 20 crops, his bread baking oven, and some of his carpentry work. He is the only farmer in the area who has successfully grown onions, though many have attempted. Our Salvadoran cooperatives and interns are eager to learn from his wisdom. Though he is a skilled farmer, between harvests he doesn’t always have enough to eat. We were thankful for the opportunity to provide him a meal and share many stories and laughter with him.

Both American and Salvadoran interns testified to the power of the Lord to bring his people together in service to others. Interns Amelia Harrison Lauren Roberts shared testimonies. Amelia said, “All of us, both Salvadoran and American, were there for one reason, which is the fact that we all want to love and follow Christ as best as possible no matter where He leads us. Nothing can stop the bond people are able to have together when they are unified through the Lord." Lauren testified, “We learned from Luke 6:20-38, that there is hope in the Word of God. We win the world through self-sacrificial love. As I sit with both American and Salvadoran interns, writing these updates together, I can see hope. I look at the garden where they are testing new crops, I see hope. I look at Lorena and Antonio and I see hope. It sounds small, but even a few people who love the Lord can influence their community and that love can spread with the word of God, and the gifts they are sharing." It was a packed and impactful week for all! We pray as the interns continue serving in Uganda that they carry the lessons they learned in El Salvador with them.



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