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Jesus in the Workplace

Youth Development Seminar Offered in the Philippines

Written by SEA Regional Team Member, Candace Galford

SEA middle manager Candace Galford teaches on skill development and proper work ethic on a job by encouraging the young professionals to make their days “count.”

SEA middle manager Candace Galford teaches on skill development and proper work ethic on a job by encouraging the young professionals to make their days “count.”

SEA Interns, Jairus and Mayel, record how they “spend their days”. This was a productive exercise for the young adults who are learning to manage their time well, to honor the Lord and serve others.

SEA Interns, Jairus and Mayel, record how they “spend their days”. This was a productive exercise for the young adults who are learning to manage their time well, to honor the Lord and serve others.

35 years, 1,820 weeks, 12,775 days and 306,600 hours. These are the days I have left before I am 70 years old. Lord willing, I will get to enjoy all this time and live a full life. Psalm 90:10 tells us that, “The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.” Time is something we can not get back. It is a valuable resource, and how we choose to spend our time is important. During my recent delegation mission to the Philippines I was able to help a wonderful group of young adults evaluate how they spend their time.

Together we read different Scriptures that outlined how many years make up a full life, how many days a week we should work, and even examined how there is a time to sleep and a time to be awake as well as enough time to work. This particular group of young adults are about to graduate college or have just graduated and are entering the workforce. They are being stretched in new ways and were in need of guidance in how to manage all the changes. After they each calculated the above numbers for themselves, I had them break down a standard week. They filled out the time they spent each day eating, sleeping, working, being in transit, and ministering.

The end result was fun and informative. They were amazed at how much time they spend in transit and how much time is spent eating (shopping, preparing, eating, cleaning up). I was able to give them some tips and tricks on how to keep their weeks scheduled and productive. I was also able to remind them that they get to choose to face each day with joy and faith.

Delegation participant, Michelle Madron, also presented on the necessary attention to be given to the “small things” from Luke 16:10-14 and how such details affect ministry.

Delegation participant, Michelle Madron, also presented on the necessary attention to be given to the “small things” from Luke 16:10-14 and how such details affect ministry.

At the end of our skills development seminar, a young man thanked me so much for helping him realize that his time here on earth, though limited, is important and that he wants to make sure to spend it well.

35 years, 1,820 weeks, 12,775 days and 306,600 hours. These numbers seem so small, but I know I can do so much if I use them well.



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