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Kenyan Women Provide Toilet to Disabled Mother & Son

Irene Wanjiru and Ann Wambura, Global Outreach Developments East Africa cooperatives in Kenya, recently noticed their disabled neighbor, Esther, struggle to use the latrine.

Her son is also disabled, unable to help his mother. When the women inspected the latrine they had been using they found it was almost full.

Seeing them suffer so greatly, Irene and Ann mobilized women in their locality to contribute funds for a new toilet. They also invited government officials and local leaders to see the need and contribute funds for the family. Together they raised 40,000 Kenyan shillings (about $370) for a new toilet. Now the family can relieve themselves without struggle.

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Irene’s Sunday school class often visits Esther, bringing her milk, bananas, and vegetables.

According to Irene’s husband Simon, “Today was a great day where they presented the keys for the toilet to Esther. She was very happy for receiving this gift.” Simon was very proud of his wife, explaining to the Global Outreach Developments team, “this is proof that “This is Who We Are” as God’s children,” referencing the G.O.D. 2021 theme.

Simon says the Kenyan community is praying “God gives us more directions to identify more and more needs like this that our community is ready and capable to meet.”

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