Kevin Andrews Joins the staff of G.O.D. Int’l as manager of Students Living A Mission (SLAM)
Kevin served as a youth minister in Indiana for 14 years (13 of these at Carmel United Methodist Church) before making the move to Nashville with his family. He led a group of youth to Nashville on a SLAM mission trip in 2011, and continued to partner with Students Living a Mission as a youth leader for the next decade. As he learned more about SLAM, he was impacted by the intentionality of the staff, and their passion for obeying God’s Word, serving, and engaging students in genuine relationships.
In 2020, Kevin and his family moved to Nashville to get involved with G.O.D. Int’l. For a year, Kevin worked in construction, with no expectation that he would do vocational ministry again, only knowing that God had asked him and his family to take a step of faith and had things to teach them and new ways of using them.
When asked if there was anything specific Kevin would like to share about how God called him to ministry and in particular, to this program, he said,
“From a young age, I watched my parents follow a call into ministry even when it meant moving away from family and the stability of finances and setting their own plans. For a long time, I hoped to avoid a similar experience so I could pursue my own dreams that sounded so much more thrilling. However, in the midst of the twists and turns of what ministry can look like (which is not one-size-fits-all), I've discovered that our heavenly Father really does know us and wants the best for us. I had a far more interesting and satisfying life pursuing his calling than I imagined was possible.
Becoming the Program Manager for Students Living a Mission is one more example of this reality. I've been stretched in new ways even while having close friends and family confirm that this role is a wonderful fit for my passions and background. It has been a surprising twist along this journey of following Jesus and one that I'm grateful for. While some of the turns have tested my endurance, I also know that God is using them to make me more like Jesus and invite others into this transformational process of pursuing him.”
Kevin is enrolling in Bible classes through the Institute for G.O.D. after two decades since obtaining his Bible degree, and is reminded in the process that God’s Word contains fresh wisdom to apply in new ways. He is hopeful that joining the ministry of G.O.D. Int’l will continue to mature his family in their knowledge of the Lord and as they discover their individual callings to follow Jesus.
Students Living a Mission Supports Youth Pastors in the work of Discipling teenagers
As a former youth pastor himself, Kevin acknowledges how challenging and at times isolating it can be to serve in that role, and he hopes that SLAM can come alongside pastors to encourage and spur on their good work. He would also like to see SLAM continue to grow as a platform to expand the work done by G.O.D. Int’l in the developing world and creating opportunities for students across the globe to discover their own mission within their communities.
We at G.O.D. Int’l are thrilled to welcome Kevin on staff and look forward to how God will continue to use him in the growth and development of this program!