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Meet our CASE Staff!


The heart of our CASE program has always been our dedicated staff. Our CASE staff has the great responsibility of helping students unwind after a day of school while still encouraging them to participate and grow - no easy feat. I’m thankful this year for the staff who have joyfully taken on this role. Below you’ll find a window into the heart of each of these staff members, as well as some fun facts about them and their students. As you read, I invite you to pray for our staff and the opportunity that they have to invest into the next generation.

DuPont Hadley Staff

Emily Marotta

What’s your favorite part of CASE?

My favorite part is watching the kids have that moment when they realize that they are surrounded by people who love them and care about them.


f you could have one superpower in working with middle school students, what would it be and why?

Probably like an all-encompassing knowledge of all pop culture and modern trends that they like, because they tell me all the time that I’m behind the trends

What has been the funniest moment at CASE?

Watching them act out improv skits with each other, talking in gibberish or British accents, and watching them have no regard for how ridiculous they sound or look.

What do you hope kids take away from their time at CASE?

I hope that the kids feel at home, like they are safe to be themselves and can build solid healthy friendships with the people around them.

Lily McDaniel

Why did you decide to work for CASE?

I had a rough time in middle school, like most kids do. Thankfully, I had some really standout teachers to help me through it all. I hope and strive to be that kind of teacher and adult figure for my CASE students. In all they are working to figure out I want them to know I’m here for them.

What’s your favorite part of CASE?

My favorite part of CASE is developing the kinds of relationships with my students where they let me step into their world and all they are facing.

What has been the funniest moment at CASE?

My students are some talented comedians and I’m not sure I could pick one moment alone. Sometimes they dance like a reaction to being really excited and they don’t always think we see them - so the moments when they realize everyone saw their happy dance - those moments are awesome.


Bri Botzum

What’s your favorite part of CASE?

I love getting to work with the parents of the kids. This program not only blesses the students but their parents often share so much of their story and why they appreciate CASE. It’s special to serve the whole family.

What do you hope kids take away from their time at CASE?

I hope the kids walk away knowing they are seen and loved by us as teachers and that they feel empowered to try new things, navigate their emotions in a healthy way and make new friends.

What’s been the funniest moment at CASE?

During our ice cream party, I told the students that they had eaten enough ice cream already. When I turned around, one of the students was filling his entire bowl with chocolate syrup and Oreos, ha!

Why did you decide to work for CASE?

I love getting to participate in social work especially with youth!! I have been with CASE for 4+ years, starting as a volunteer and slowly taking on more responsibility so it just seemed natural to jump back in doing and serving those I love.

Sara Giguere

If you could have one superpower in working with middle school students, what would it be and why?

To be funny anytime I make a joke! Getting them to laugh is one of my goals after a long day they’ve had!

What do you hope kids take away from their time at CASE?

I hope kids walk away knowing they are worthy and loved. I want them to know CASE is a safe place for them.

What’s your favorite thing about middle school students?

I love their kindness. Some of them have experienced and been through a lot, but they still have the ability to be compassionate and consider others.

Donelson Middle STAFF

Chelsie Kagay

If you could have one superpower in working with middle school students, what would it be and why?

Read minds so I can know what they are going through and to be able to help them! Because sometimes the students do not know how to articulate what they are experiencing.

What were you like as a middle school student?

Goofy, hype woman, always wanted to have fun.

What do you hope kids take away from their time at CASE?

I hope they can develop their character through the things they are learning at CASE.

Why did you decide to work for CASE?

Because I wanted to invest in the next generation.

Olivia Beaverson

Why did you decide to work for CASE?

I knew that there was a need for people who could consistently be there for these kids and I have a calling on my life to teach. I also have heard so many precious testimonies about these wonderful kids and I wanted to be a part of the work that goes into providing them with a great environment they deserve.

What’s your favorite thing about middle school students?

How they are still sweet and mushy on the inside even though they try to put on a tough shell.

If you could have one superpower in working with middle school students, what would it be and why?

The ability to multiply myself. Our students are all so wonderful and I definitely feel the pressure of being one person, only able to do one thing at a time, when it comes to the needs middle schoolers have.

What were you like as a middle school student?

I was quiet but super goofy. I asked a lot of questions and had a very active imagination. I would daydream a lot and when always had some adventurous plot planned for recess. I also was really emotional and pretty hard on myself.

DuPont Tyler Staff

Brittan Botzum

Why did you decide to work for CASE?

I’ve been volunteering with the program for 3 years and have heard many testimonies over the years of the way this program has impacted their lives which is what motivates me to continue doing this good work. I also wanted to gain teaching experiences.

What were you like as a middle school student?

I was very shy.

What’s your favorite part of CASE?

I love building relationships with the youth, helping them feel seen and valued by a consistent presence in their life.

Jameson Parker

What’s your favorite part of CASE?

My favorite part of CASE is being able to offer an activity that can pull students out of whatever funk the day left them and get them fully involved and having fun—then showing them all the things they learned while doing it.

What do you hope kids take away from their time at CASE?

I’m hoping that my group of students, who mostly did not know each other beforehand, can move on in their schooling having developed true friendships, having the ability to recognize them as such.

Why did you decide to work for CASE?

I’ve worked with CASE to various degrees for over five years. I know these students are up against a lot more than they can handle and I trust that the Lord can use me to shed some light on each of their unique situations. Every moment I spend with them challenges me to become a better teacher and servant.

Running an after school program for middle school students is not for the faint of heart. Nobody gets into this field for its high pay, status, or job benefits. Instead, it’s a field filled with people who are passionate about serving children. We are proud to have a staff this year that believes in this calling.


CASE is a program of the Nashville After Zone Alliance. The Nashville After Zone Alliance is a network of coordinated after school programming for Metro’s middle-school students. NAZA is a partnership among the Nashville Public Library, MNPS, and other existing youth-serving groups. It is modeled on successful efforts in other cities and is organized around geographically-defined zones.




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