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Moms in Service

As a mom and wife in ministry, sometimes we have to be content making dinner for a busy husband rushing in the door, and back out again just a few minutes later. Sometimes we have to “stay connected” through praying for an event, because we’re not able to be there physically. And still other times, we get creative so that we can get in on this awesome stuff too!

Stephany Dailey is a mother of two. This summer, she led worship for hundreds of youth through our SLAM program.

Betsy Johnson is a mother of four, and the Principal at the Academy for G.O.D. This summer, she also spent time working at Camp Skillz and facilitating a teacher training seminar in El Salvador.

Grace Aaseby teaches a Bible Study to a group of Burmese refugee women who live in a small community outside of Nashville.  

Grace Aaseby teaches a Bible Study to a group of Burmese refugee women who live in a small community outside of Nashville.

Grace Aaseby is a mother of four (soon to be five). She participates in a bible study for a group of women from Burma.

Tori Roufs is a mother of six. Throughout the summer, she assisted in our Nashville SLAM weeks, guiding young girls through their experiences serving and helping them connect with the Lord in prayer.

These moms (and many others) have decided there is just too much to do to sit back and watch. They (we) work together to ensure that moms can participate in ministry opportunities, utilizing their gifts to serve those in need.

How? One way is called “mom swap.” Mom swap is what happens when one mom watches another family’s children so that that mother (or both parents) can participate in meeting a need, in exchange for the same service given to her at another time. This rotation of watching children not only gives the kids some great play mates, it benefits the lives of those being served as well as the mother who gets to participate in the service.

Deb Nava (left, mother of 2) and Tori Roufs (right, mother of 6) host Late Night, a time of entertainment for our SLAM participants as they wind down from days of service and Bible study. 

Deb Nava (left, mother of 2) and Tori Roufs (right, mother of 6) host Late Night, a time of entertainment for our SLAM participants as they wind down from days of service and Bible study.

But many ministry opportunities are not discriminatory to small children, in fact, they add to the fun. At our weekly refugee bible study, everyone has children, and they all need entertained. Our moms who are involved in this effort take their children with them, but they swap responsibilities: one week teaching the Bible, another offering lessons to the kids, another preparing the many beloved snacks.

When Betsy Johnson volunteered once a week at Camp Skillz, she added a skill set other younger counselors lacked. As a mom, she was more familiar with kids’ age-appropriate skill development and needs.

Deb Nava talks about her participation with SLAM, and the opportunity it provides her to use her gifts and invest into young girls who participate in our NSHVLL weeks.

A mother myself, I was also privileged to serve with SLAM this summer. It's always a joy to facilitate moments where young people are connecting with the Lord for the first time. In addition to leading a service project and discussion groups, I also hosted our “Late Nite” portion of the week, a facilitated time for light-hearted team building activities. These times of service are invaluable experiences that continue to ignite a passion in me to become the kind of woman that models love and compassion to my children.

Empowering women through the Word of God is not only about helping them to discover the ways in which they are gifted to serve others. Empowerment also must include the opportunities to use their gifts and acquired skill sets with the support from their community. Here, mothers are being empowered to offer themselves in service in a way that is life-giving and rooted in love. Together, we are working creatively and sacrificially so those in need can receive something beneficial. Like I said, there’s simply too much to do to wait until our children are grown to be involved. I’m so happy to do it right now, and cheer on all the other moms who are right there with me.



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