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Philippines Dec. 15: Day Two and Three Update

Genovations Media

Day Two

In discussing our third world development work, we often use a saying: "What you do here is what you'll do there." It's a saying that deflates the romantics of showing up in a third world environment and magically possessing the skills to fix everything. It's a saying that reminds us that our ability to contribute in a developing world setting has everything with the capacity development we subject ourselves to prior to engaging that environment.

As we get more involved in the regions we work, we recognize just how true this is. Today was one of those days.

Jason, a master plumber by trade, spent the morning troubleshooting plumbing issues at our community center and at the home of one our development workers. Lack of proper water flow and gray water back up are common problems in the area we work.

I spent the morning with Jovic Roldan, our newest employee, building a bar to outfit the kitchen of the community center where will be able to host meals for guests.

Ty, who works with SLAM, G.O.D. International's student branch, networked with several people to discuss our upcoming Bible conference. Finding opportunities to connect with youth hungry to be educated in God's Word is an important objective for us this trip.

Days like today remind us of the need to develop practical competencies in our people that contribute to the betterment of developing world situations. Looking forward to what tomorrow brings.

Day Three

Clark Miller, left, Jason Carpenter, center, and Jovic Roldan discuss the particularities of working with our ministry. He is so glad to be a part!

Clark Miller, left, Jason Carpenter, center, and Jovic Roldan discuss the particularities of working with our ministry. He is so glad to be a part!

Each day of such a short trip feels like a race to accomplish all we want to do to develop our work here in Tacloban.

The day began with a meeting to discuss Jovic Roldan's employment responsibilities with us as an attendant at our community center. We were very pleased to hear his eagerness to serve people. We had a great time sharing in the word and discussing all the practicalities of his work. "I've never had such a unique job and I am so blessed to be able to serve in this way," he said as we discussed his job description.

Rina Miller checks in a patient at the local birth center. 

Rina Miller checks in a patient at the local birth center.

Our team visited the local rehabilitation center where the Millers work with youth on a weekly basis. 

Our team visited the local rehabilitation center where the Millers work with youth on a weekly basis.

Meanwhile, Meg (training to be a midwife) and Rina visited Cumpio Midwife Clinic where Rina assisted in pre-natal appointments and Meg became acquainted with the staff and their work.

After lunch we trekked out to Tanaun, a small town outside Tacloban that was demolished during Typhoon Yolanda. Rebuilding is still very much taking place in this area. We visited the Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth where the Millers regularly hold educational seminars for incarcerated youth. We had a nice time hanging out and laughing with the young guys and playing some basketball.

We concluded the evening over a meal with the Miller family and are encouraged by their faithfulness to serve the people of Tacloban.


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