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Planting Seeds in the Next Generation

A few years ago I distinctly remember standing in our community garden asking a small group of children to name where the food they ate came from. They blankly stared back and answered, “The grocery store!”. I stated, “Well, yes that is where we purchase much of our food but where does it actually come from? Where is it grown?” They couldn’t answer. My heart sank.

These children were part of the first year of Camp Skillz – a camp designed to facilitate a meaningful time of development for children, specifically for those of low-income families who would most likely never have such an opportunity otherwise. That moment changed me as I realized lack of knowledge, or concern, the upcoming generation has for the production of food in our world. What will we offer to this next generation and what, in turn, will they be able to offer a world in need?

<img src="" alt=" Bryan Sanders, Camp Skillz counselor and consistent community garden volunteer, explains pole beans to campers who get to work in the garden throughout the summer.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Bryan Sanders, Camp Skillz counselor and consistent community garden volunteer, explains pole beans to campers who get to work in the garden throughout the summer.&nbsp;

Bryan Sanders, Camp Skillz counselor and consistent community garden volunteer, explains pole beans to campers who get to work in the garden throughout the summer.

<img src="" alt=" At the Academy for G.O.D. Grandparent Day, grandparents visited the school garden where they got to partake in a garden lesson from Mr. Hartnell, a&amp;nbsp;full-time farmer at G.O.D. Int'l.&amp;nbsp; " />

 At the Academy for G.O.D. Grandparent Day, grandparents visited the school garden where they got to partake in a garden lesson from Mr. Hartnell, a&nbsp;full-time farmer at G.O.D. Int'l.&nbsp;

At the Academy for G.O.D. Grandparent Day, grandparents visited the school garden where they got to partake in a garden lesson from Mr. Hartnell, a full-time farmer at G.O.D. Int'l.

<img src="" alt=" Some of the produce harvested by students at the Academy for G.O.D. was showcased for visitors.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Some of the produce harvested by students at the Academy for G.O.D. was showcased for visitors.&nbsp;

Some of the produce harvested by students at the Academy for G.O.D. was showcased for visitors.

<img src="" alt=" 500 middle and high schoolers from around the country come to Nashville for service weeks with SLAM each year. One of the service opportunities they complete is work in a community garden.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; " />

 500 middle and high schoolers from around the country come to Nashville for service weeks with SLAM each year. One of the service opportunities they complete is work in a community garden.&nbsp;&nbsp;

500 middle and high schoolers from around the country come to Nashville for service weeks with SLAM each year. One of the service opportunities they complete is work in a community garden.

<img src="" alt=" C.A.S.E. students walk deliveries to neighbors in Hopewell. Geoff Hartnell reflects, &quot;Kids are typically really worn out by working in the garden. But when they get to deliver the produce to neighbors, they really love it.&quot;&amp;nbsp; " />

 C.A.S.E. students walk deliveries to neighbors in Hopewell. Geoff Hartnell reflects, "Kids are typically really worn out by working in the garden. But when they get to deliver the produce to neighbors, they really love it."&nbsp;

C.A.S.E. students walk deliveries to neighbors in Hopewell. Geoff Hartnell reflects, "Kids are typically really worn out by working in the garden. But when they get to deliver the produce to neighbors, they really love it."

<img src="" alt=" Geoff Hartnell is assisted by Gerron, a friend and neighbor, at the local farmer's market. Gerron was inspired after learning gardening at Camp Skillz, and created his own garden for his family in his backyard.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Geoff Hartnell is assisted by Gerron, a friend and neighbor, at the local farmer's market. Gerron was inspired after learning gardening at Camp Skillz, and created his own garden for his family in his backyard.&nbsp;

Geoff Hartnell is assisted by Gerron, a friend and neighbor, at the local farmer's market. Gerron was inspired after learning gardening at Camp Skillz, and created his own garden for his family in his backyard.

<img src="" alt=" Seth Davis, Director of Agriculture at G.O.D. Int'l, delivers fresh produce to neighbors in Hopewell,&amp;nbsp;accompanied by one of the participants in our after school program.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Seth Davis, Director of Agriculture at G.O.D. Int'l, delivers fresh produce to neighbors in Hopewell,&nbsp;accompanied by one of the participants in our after school program.&nbsp;

Seth Davis, Director of Agriculture at G.O.D. Int'l, delivers fresh produce to neighbors in Hopewell, accompanied by one of the participants in our after school program.

 Bryan Sanders, Camp Skillz counselor and consistent community garden volunteer, explains pole beans to campers who get to work in the garden throughout the summer.&nbsp;
 At the Academy for G.O.D. Grandparent Day, grandparents visited the school garden where they got to partake in a garden lesson from Mr. Hartnell, a&nbsp;full-time farmer at G.O.D. Int'l.&nbsp;
 Some of the produce harvested by students at the Academy for G.O.D. was showcased for visitors.&nbsp;
 500 middle and high schoolers from around the country come to Nashville for service weeks with SLAM each year. One of the service opportunities they complete is work in a community garden.&nbsp;&nbsp;
 C.A.S.E. students walk deliveries to neighbors in Hopewell. Geoff Hartnell reflects, "Kids are typically really worn out by working in the garden. But when they get to deliver the produce to neighbors, they really love it."&nbsp;
 Geoff Hartnell is assisted by Gerron, a friend and neighbor, at the local farmer's market. Gerron was inspired after learning gardening at Camp Skillz, and created his own garden for his family in his backyard.&nbsp;
 Seth Davis, Director of Agriculture at G.O.D. Int'l, delivers fresh produce to neighbors in Hopewell,&nbsp;accompanied by one of the participants in our after school program.&nbsp;

Our affluence in the West has made it quite easy to dismiss the important skill of food production. We easily acquire fruits, vegetables and meats from around the world at any moment from the grocery store or at the touch of an iPad screen. This global “advancement” has produced a lack of sensitivity to the changing seasons around us. Globalization has gifted us with a craving for things that can only be produced thousands of miles away, often by underpaid workers.

It is vital for today's youth to learn the importance of growing food. The instruction that the prophet Jeremiah gives God's people is to “Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat what they produce” despite the great adversity they were headed into (29:5). G.O.D. Int'l offers children and youth the opportunity to learn about food production, and take an active role in growing the food they eat. Whether students at the Academy for G.O.D., participants at Camp Skillz, students at our after-school program or volunteers with Students Living A Mission, young people are getting the opportunity to grow food and deliver fresh produce to neighbors in need. We believe that a better future for our world comes on the other side of investing in and educating our children. That education cannot be without a knowledge of food production.

Written by Geoff Hartnell, Resident Farmer with G.O.D. Int'l



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