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Solar Installation Secures Reliable Water, Wi-Fi, and Power for Uganda Ministry Campus

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This summer, Community Works successfully completed a solar installation on our Uganda campus, providing a dependable source of energy to power the well, Wi-Fi, and a new office. Previously, due to the poor conditions of the electric grid in Uganda, the well pump could only be operated late at night, requiring cooperatives to wake up in the early hours to turn it on. Even then, there were days when there wasn’t enough power to run the well at all.

The new solar panels will now ensure that the campus has reliable access to fresh water, regardless of the status of the power grid. In addition, we installed a line for Wi-Fi, ensuring that both online Academy students and those at home can access their schoolwork without interruption. The new office on campus is also powered directly by solar energy, enhancing the functionality of our operations.

This project was a collaborative effort, completed alongside Francis, Victor, Barnabas, and local Ugandan installers. It was a significant achievement made possible during the time our interns were in Uganda, allowing them to witness and be part of this impactful development. We are proud of this remarkable progress, which not only meets immediate needs but also supports sustainable growth on our campus.


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