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Spending Covid in Paradise

I’ll never forget Francis Lubega’s words when COVID-19 began threatening East Africa and restrictions started being put in place: “It is very easy to realize that the lockdown found us in God’s paradise.” That has been the refrain from each of our cooperatives over the past two months--that in the midst of the chaos that surrounds, God’s kingdom is among them.

The cooperatives prayed over Quinn (from a safe distance) after she returned home from the hospital. Lawrence reported that the moment was powerful and Quinn has been regaining strength from that day. Please keep her in your prayers as her health si…
The cooperatives prayed over Quinn (from a safe distance) after she returned home from the hospital. Lawrence reported that the moment was powerful and Quinn has been regaining strength from that day. Please keep her in your prayers as her health situation is always delicate.

This is not to say things have been easy, that restrictions have not been severe, that suffering has not been imminent. At the time when Uganda’s president determined it necessary for people to stop movement altogether, Lawrence and Josephine Ssemakula were in the hospital with their 18-year-old daughter Quinn who was battling one of her worst sickle crises to date. Although the treatment wasn’t complete and the plan wasn’t altogether clear even amongst her doctors, her parents knew they had to take her home before they were locked in the city away from their other four children. Lawrence himself expressed the fear in his soul as they decided what to do, but testified that God’s steadfast Word and the prayers of the community strengthened his faith and provided the direction they desperately needed. Since being home, Quinn has been slowly improving, and only Lawrence has had to travel back to the city to refill her medications.

About a month later, Josephine herself had to be taken to the hospital for some concerning heart-related symptoms, no doubt exacerbated by the stress of her daughter’s life-threatening situation. Traveling during COVID in Uganda is risky, but they moved in faith and were able to receive proper treatment. On both occasions, Lawrence and Josephine were comforted by the fact that their family was safe at home, being looked after and cared for by the Kimbugwe and Lubega families on the land. They continually reassured the Ssemakulas that they need not worry about their children. What a relief this was.

Benjamin is here! Peter and Cissy Kimbugwe welcomed their seventh child (fifth son) in Uganda this evening. Also pray for this child’s health and his mother as she recovers from birth.
Benjamin is here! Peter and Cissy Kimbugwe welcomed their seventh child (fifth son) in Uganda this evening. Also pray for this child’s health and his mother as she recovers from birth.

Meanwhile in Kenya as restrictions were tightening, cooperatives Simon Njeru and Reuben Ndwiga echoed the same faithfulness: “What we should be sure of is that the Lord is in control. May his will be done in our lives as he is faithful and caring. Let’s be strong in faith in these storms. Some people are thinking that the end of the world is at hand, but we are encouraging those who are near us that God is above all the chaos--ours is only to obey his voice. We have the joy of the Lord here in our community despite the side effects of COVID-19. We are praying for everyone in all regions for God to protect us all and not to fear as the world is doing at this time. Remember our burdens (those of Jesus ) and fear the Lord who cares a lot. May the Lord protect us as we try to adhere to the rules set for us and maintain a high level of hygiene. Let’s keep faith. May the grace of the Lord be with you all.” I could not let this season pass without preserving their declarations of faith and joy.

Finally today, new life was birthed in Uganda as Cissy Kimbugwe safely delivered her and Peter’s seventh child, a boy they’ve named Benjamin Muwanguzi (overcomer). The baby and mother are doing well, and everyone is praising God for the good news of his blessings. The refrain continues: God is very, very near.


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