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Summer Activities Underway at Tahanan

The summer has commenced in the Philippines. For us at Tahanan, that means the beginning of a variety of summer programs for young people.

For Movie Night this week at Tahanan, we watched "Birth of a Nation” and discussed the many lessons one can draw from this documentary involving race, social class, religion, violence, and human rights.

This past week we also kicked off our summer Bible class: Literary Analysis. The goal of this class is to give students the tools they need to better engage biblical texts, and in so doing, empower them to be good Bible interpreters. Because many of the students are actively involved in local churches and other ministries, we thought it important that these young leaders get the training they need in order to make them more effective in the places where they already serve.

On Tuesday, one of our summer interns started his summer training. His focus is hospitality, and so we took a look at Abraham’s hospitality to the three men at the beginning of Genesis 18. We used that as a foundation for our understanding and practice of hospitality. The goal of these internships is to help sharpen the ministerial skills of those who serve, as we believe that the best thing a person has to offer others is himself. Thus, we use these times to train them to be useful servants of God.

Rina went on her weekly visit to the jail, and this time she was accompanied by Nerissa Cumpio, a local midwife who runs a free birthing clinic for impoverished women. Two of the inmates are currently pregnant, and so Nerissa was able to assess them while Rina taught and led activities with the other inmates.

We also visited an impoverished community to check up on two orphans who recently moved back in with some of their older siblings. We were able to bring them some plastic sealable containers for a safe place to keep their belongings where pests are not able to get to them.



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