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Summer Interns Serve in Uganda

Summer Internship 2016 in East Africa is underway! This summer we are hosting five interns at our headquarters in Uganda. They arrived in Uganda on Monday and will spend three weeks on the ground there. These interns include--Austin Milliron (22) from Caitlin, IL, Darbie Guess (20) from Memphis, TN, Georgie Busbee (18) from Frankin, TN, Rachel Foster (23) from Becker, MN, and Ty Carey (17) from Hopewell, TN. They spent two weeks at our headquarters in Nashville prior to trip to Uganda. During that time, they participated in daily bible study, Camp Skillz Old Hickory and Antioch, SLAM NSHVLL, and various cultural immersion opportunities, activities, and seminars.

While in Uganda, the interns will join in the everyday work of our community there. They will be assisting teachers in the classrooms at St John’s Primary, further developing the school garden at St. John’s, and participating in building improvements at St. John’s. They will also be working in our community garden on our property, building rocket stoves for local widows, and hosting a seminar on female hygiene and distributing feminine pads for local girls and women. On a daily basis, they will engage in bible study and worship led by our Ugandan and Kenyan cooperatives.

Their trip is facilitated by East Africa team member Skylar Aaseby, assisted by team participant Corey Foster.

Please pray for the interns. They are being challenged each day to consider the needs of the poor around them. Some of their personal prayer requests include--an increase in faith and trust in God, to not be anxious or afraid, that they will be faithful and obedient to God every day, and that God will open their eyes and hearts.

For more information on these interns, and to read their weekly blog updates, click here.



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