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Tahanan Kidz Learn the Bible


Sundays are a special day at Tahanan. The community center that is filled with youth throughout the week turns into a space for a precious group of mothers to come and learn God’s Word. Some of the mothers are neighbors within the Baras community, others are mothers of youth who frequent Tahanan, and others are friends of our ministry. One thing that makes the fellowship special is that the women are provided with care for their younger children. Sunday’s Mother’s Bible Study also becomes an opportunity for the youngest of the families to also learn the Bible. What takes place on the second floor of the community center is Tahanan Kidz - a program specifically for the children of those who attend Mother’s Bible Study to play, sing songs, and learn a Bible story.

Irish Dagami, Tahanan program coordinator, facilitates Tahanan Kidz with the biggest smile and most joy you could imagine that a group of children deserve. Irish is a certified elementary educator in the Philippines and works at Tahanan to facilitate programs for youth and children. Each week, Irish implements a Bible curriculum tailored to the 5 year olds she teaches: songs, dance, crafts, games, Scripture to memorize and more! Irish says, “My hope for the children is that these small lessons each Sunday will take root in their lives as they grow into young people who love God.”

The photo slideshow below captures the program’s most recent lesson on the Commandment #4 from Exodus 20:8: “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy”, or as the children learn, “Rest when it’s time to rest and take time to enjoy your family and friends.”

<img src="" alt=" Irish Dagami spends two hours every Sunday with Tahanan Kidz dancing, singing, and making the most of their time together! " />

 Irish Dagami spends two hours every Sunday with Tahanan Kidz dancing, singing, and making the most of their time together!

Irish Dagami spends two hours every Sunday with Tahanan Kidz dancing, singing, and making the most of their time together!

<img src="" alt=" Drawing and crafts are incorporated into the lesson every week as the children connect their Bible story with a picture. " />

 Drawing and crafts are incorporated into the lesson every week as the children connect their Bible story with a picture.

Drawing and crafts are incorporated into the lesson every week as the children connect their Bible story with a picture.

<img src="" alt=" The children are currently learning the Ten Commandments during the Tahanan Kidz program. They made a “watch” with pictures of their family and friends on it symbolizing Law #4 concerning the Sabbath. The kids learn to “rest when it’s time to rest a" />

 The children are currently learning the Ten Commandments during the Tahanan Kidz program. They made a “watch” with pictures of their family and friends on it symbolizing Law #4 concerning the Sabbath. The kids learn to “rest when it’s time to rest a

The children are currently learning the Ten Commandments during the Tahanan Kidz program. They made a “watch” with pictures of their family and friends on it symbolizing Law #4 concerning the Sabbath. The kids learn to “rest when it’s time to rest and take time to enjoy your family and friends.”

<img src="" alt=" “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!” - Psalm 98:4 " />

 “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;  break forth into joyous song and sing praises!” - Psalm 98:4

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;

break forth into joyous song and sing praises!” - Psalm 98:4

 Irish Dagami spends two hours every Sunday with Tahanan Kidz dancing, singing, and making the most of their time together!
 Drawing and crafts are incorporated into the lesson every week as the children connect their Bible story with a picture.
 The children are currently learning the Ten Commandments during the Tahanan Kidz program. They made a “watch” with pictures of their family and friends on it symbolizing Law #4 concerning the Sabbath. The kids learn to “rest when it’s time to rest a
 “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;  break forth into joyous song and sing praises!” - Psalm 98:4


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