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Teaching Character at CASE Afterschool Program

Written by: Chelsie Kagay

CASE is a time where kids can learn character values and develop skills. Each week during the CASE program, the students participate in many different activities that focus on a character trait. These times are called enhancements, and we try our best to creatively incorporate character lessons into activities that students enjoy.

During one of our enhancement activities, the students made ice cream sundaes. The twist of the activity was that they were making the sundaes, not for themselves, but for another student. This gave them an opportunity to practice the character trait of the week: consideration. Students had to ask questions and consider what another student would most enjoy on their sundae.

Students also got to practice generosity. They created cards for someone else that contained a “coupon” for some generous act. The enhancement made students excited to think about the ways that they could be generous with their time and resources.

During another activity, students learned more about each other while practicing the important skill of curiosity. Students sat around in a circle and were given a topic. They were challenged to ask questions without repeating another’s question and not hesitating in giving an answer.

Students also made flipbooks this year. The flipbook requires a lot of drawings to create the illusion, and it was through creating these drawings that students got to practice the character train of diligence. Even though this was a challenging task, the kids were able to show diligence by staying focused and doing well at showing movement in their flipbooks.

The enhancement activities during CASE help students build their character so that as they move on from CASE and grow up, they will be able to overcome the many challenges they will face. By connecting character lessons to fun activities, we hope to give students a safe and exciting way to practice these valuable life skills.




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