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The Work Continues in Uganda

These past two weeks in Uganda were beyond full. I believe that the Lord helped us to accomplish what we set out to do, and more. As was mentioned in earlier posts, these objectives included: helping our cooperatives achieve greater efficiency in their daily work (including achieving better project management, timelines, and goal setting), preparing for the upcoming semester at the Institute for G.O.D. East Africa, and solving issues that were keeping the community garden and animal husbandry projects from thriving. In addition, we were able to organize for the construction of Reuben Ndwiga's home on the land, who will be instrumental in expanding our garden operation. We also, through the help of Gregg Garner, taught teachers at St. John's how to better organize their classrooms, teaching schedules, and curriculum goals. We talked about authority, leadership, accountability, and more. Most importantly, we made sure that our team on the ground was placing the utmost priority on studying God's Word and giving adequate time to prayer and worship, both individually and corporately. This is what will make all former goals succeed--not just by completing the tasks assigned, but by paying attention to the way in which such goals are achieved--with excellence and distinctiveness, according to God's Word.

Speaking as the Regional Director, I am continuing my work from this end. Being on the ground helped me to know how I can better serve our team there, as well as how I can connect our team (stateside) to their needs. This trip has given me another opportunity to testify to God's faithfulness, as I can so clearly see his ongoing work in our friends in Africa. People who were once forgotten by the world are now a dynamic team of individuals who are making a mark on their area through their work as bible teachers, elementary school educators, sustainable farmers, builders, and most importantly, people who know how to live according to God's Word. Their families are the healthiest that they have ever been.

<img src="" alt=" These are some of the children of our community in Uganda. They are reaping the benefits of parents who have meaning, purpose, and direction in their lives.&amp;nbsp; " />

 These are some of the children of our community in Uganda. They are reaping the benefits of parents who have meaning, purpose, and direction in their lives.&nbsp;

These are some of the children of our community in Uganda. They are reaping the benefits of parents who have meaning, purpose, and direction in their lives.

<img src="" alt=" Joy,&amp;nbsp;daughter of Peter and Cissy Kimbugwe.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Joy,&nbsp;daughter of Peter and Cissy Kimbugwe.&nbsp;

Joy, daughter of Peter and Cissy Kimbugwe.

<img src="" alt=" The children faithfully complete their own chores, like sweeping and gathering laundry.&amp;nbsp; " />

 The children faithfully complete their own chores, like sweeping and gathering laundry.&nbsp;

The children faithfully complete their own chores, like sweeping and gathering laundry.

<img src="" alt=" Lawrence Ssemakula, cooperative, is a skilled school teacher and is majoritively responsible for the improvement of St. John's school--from the training of teachers, to dealing with parents, to giving feedback for improvement. " />

 Lawrence Ssemakula, cooperative, is a skilled school teacher and is majoritively responsible for the improvement of St. John's school--from the training of teachers, to dealing with parents, to giving feedback for improvement.

Lawrence Ssemakula, cooperative, is a skilled school teacher and is majoritively responsible for the improvement of St. John's school--from the training of teachers, to dealing with parents, to giving feedback for improvement.

<img src="" alt=" Joel, son of Peter and Cissy.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Joel, son of Peter and Cissy.&nbsp;

Joel, son of Peter and Cissy.

<img src="" alt=" Joy and Joel in their current home, in the triplex. Their permanent home is currently being completed on the land.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; " />

 Joy and Joel in their current home, in the triplex. Their permanent home is currently being completed on the land.&nbsp;&nbsp;

Joy and Joel in their current home, in the triplex. Their permanent home is currently being completed on the land.

<img src="" alt=" Some of the children from the area around St. John's gathered at the school, which was on holiday during our trip.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Some of the children from the area around St. John's gathered at the school, which was on holiday during our trip.&nbsp;

Some of the children from the area around St. John's gathered at the school, which was on holiday during our trip.

<img src="" alt="AAR_6900.jpg" />


<img src="" alt=" Rachel and little brother Micah, children of Francis and Annette.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Rachel and little brother Micah, children of Francis and Annette.&nbsp;

Rachel and little brother Micah, children of Francis and Annette.

<img src="" alt=" Derek Bargatze, International Director of SLAM, was able to set up service opportunities for interns who will return later in the summer.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Derek Bargatze, International Director of SLAM, was able to set up service opportunities for interns who will return later in the summer.&nbsp;

Derek Bargatze, International Director of SLAM, was able to set up service opportunities for interns who will return later in the summer.

<img src="" alt=" This is one of the many wells in the area that our team has repaired to full use. Many wells are donated to Africa, but a large majority of them are in disrepair due to a lack of skilled technicians. Our team is equipped to prepare broken down wells" />

 This is one of the many wells in the area that our team has repaired to full use. Many wells are donated to Africa, but a large majority of them are in disrepair due to a lack of skilled technicians. Our team is equipped to prepare broken down wells

This is one of the many wells in the area that our team has repaired to full use. Many wells are donated to Africa, but a large majority of them are in disrepair due to a lack of skilled technicians. Our team is equipped to prepare broken down wells, and through this service has restored water accessibility to thousands.

<img src="" alt=" Francis Lubega and Peter Kimbugwe gave Aaron Montgomery, photographer, a tour of the local wells they had fixed.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Francis Lubega and Peter Kimbugwe gave Aaron Montgomery, photographer, a tour of the local wells they had fixed.&nbsp;

Francis Lubega and Peter Kimbugwe gave Aaron Montgomery, photographer, a tour of the local wells they had fixed.

<img src="" alt=" These are some of the local children whom we met at the well. They now have water! " />

 These are some of the local children whom we met at the well. They now have water!

These are some of the local children whom we met at the well. They now have water!

<img src="" alt=" Cameron Kagay taught the students how to introduce Indigenous Micro-Organisms to keep the sty from smelling, along to with other techniques to maintain the health of their animals and compound.&amp;nbsp; " />

 Cameron Kagay taught the students how to introduce Indigenous Micro-Organisms to keep the sty from smelling, along to with other techniques to maintain the health of their animals and compound.&nbsp;

Cameron Kagay taught the students how to introduce Indigenous Micro-Organisms to keep the sty from smelling, along to with other techniques to maintain the health of their animals and compound.

<img src="" alt=" The college students are working to improve the pig pen for our animal husbandry project.&amp;nbsp; " />

 The college students are working to improve the pig pen for our animal husbandry project.&nbsp;

The college students are working to improve the pig pen for our animal husbandry project.

<img src="" alt=" The 10 compost piles that many doubted could be completed in one day.&amp;nbsp; " />

 The 10 compost piles that many doubted could be completed in one day.&nbsp;

The 10 compost piles that many doubted could be completed in one day.

<img src="" alt=" The children of our team on the ground are healthy and happy. Victor's parents report that their family (of 6) has had no sickness in an entire. year. His father, Francis, attributes much of this success to screening the windows and doors to keep ou" />

 The children of our team on the ground are healthy and happy. Victor's parents report that their family (of 6) has had no sickness in an entire. year. His father, Francis, attributes much of this success to screening the windows and doors to keep ou

The children of our team on the ground are healthy and happy. Victor's parents report that their family (of 6) has had no sickness in an entire. year. His father, Francis, attributes much of this success to screening the windows and doors to keep out mosquitoes.

 These are some of the children of our community in Uganda. They are reaping the benefits of parents who have meaning, purpose, and direction in their lives.&nbsp;
 Joy,&nbsp;daughter of Peter and Cissy Kimbugwe.&nbsp;
 The children faithfully complete their own chores, like sweeping and gathering laundry.&nbsp;
 Lawrence Ssemakula, cooperative, is a skilled school teacher and is majoritively responsible for the improvement of St. John's school--from the training of teachers, to dealing with parents, to giving feedback for improvement.
 Joel, son of Peter and Cissy.&nbsp;
 Joy and Joel in their current home, in the triplex. Their permanent home is currently being completed on the land.&nbsp;&nbsp;
 Some of the children from the area around St. John's gathered at the school, which was on holiday during our trip.&nbsp;
 Rachel and little brother Micah, children of Francis and Annette.&nbsp;
 Derek Bargatze, International Director of SLAM, was able to set up service opportunities for interns who will return later in the summer.&nbsp;
 This is one of the many wells in the area that our team has repaired to full use. Many wells are donated to Africa, but a large majority of them are in disrepair due to a lack of skilled technicians. Our team is equipped to prepare broken down wells
 Francis Lubega and Peter Kimbugwe gave Aaron Montgomery, photographer, a tour of the local wells they had fixed.&nbsp;
 These are some of the local children whom we met at the well. They now have water!
 Cameron Kagay taught the students how to introduce Indigenous Micro-Organisms to keep the sty from smelling, along to with other techniques to maintain the health of their animals and compound.&nbsp;
 The college students are working to improve the pig pen for our animal husbandry project.&nbsp;
 The 10 compost piles that many doubted could be completed in one day.&nbsp;
 The children of our team on the ground are healthy and happy. Victor's parents report that their family (of 6) has had no sickness in an entire. year. His father, Francis, attributes much of this success to screening the windows and doors to keep ou

From this point forward, our work is carried out on the ground by our ten cooperatives and eight college students, who are supported and strengthened by our team in the U.S. Summer interns will arrive in Uganda in June and stay through July, led by Stefanie Price and Brandon Galford. They will offer educational enhancement and extra-curricular activities at St. John's Primary. They will also be planting gardens, building eco-stoves, and conducting preventative health seminars for people in need in the surrounding area.

On our land, three additional homes need to be built this year, along with water catchment tanks. Reuben Ndwiga is prioritized as the first one in need of a home. As our manager of agriculture, it is imperative that he transitions to Uganda to oversee our garden operation. In the fall, we have the space to double our student body at the Institute for G.O.D. East Africa.

I am grateful for all that the Lord has been doing and look forward to see how he continues to grow our community in Uganda. There is a lot to do. I believe that as we press forward in faith together, the Lord will help us to be a light to our neighbors in Uganda who are watching us. Please stay tuned to read more about our work in Uganda, and, feel free to support the wonderful work that God is doing here.



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