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Update from the Philippines: Oct. 2016

This past weekend the team on the ground in the Philippines (Clark and Rina Miller and Leafa Vagatai) had the opportunity to host a day of fun and fellowship with one of the local youth groups our team has been working with for the past few years.

We believe that part of forming sustainable relationships with those we minister to and with is learning to enjoy one another. Good times together foster lasting friendships and these are even further enhanced when the word of God and a desire to serve him is what brings people together.

The team is also gearing up for a soon coming SLAM (Students Living a Mission) Service Plunge with another group of youth. We’re excited and prayerful that these few days will be an awesome time for youth to connect with the Lord and learn more about him. Join us in praying for these two days and the youth who will attend!



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